
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

M.H.I. Patch Contest 2

God have mercy! There is a new MHI patch contest in the making and the entries are just amazing. I was thinking about doing another one (Turkey Point Undeadwater  Corps, M.H.I. Miami) but my Photoshop skills are none and so is the software. And again, the competition is just too damn good I’d hate to do a crappy one.

If you know of a good site that can generate patches or stuff like that, let me know. But do go to Larry’s site and check the worldwide (yes, worldwide) entries.

UPDATE: Screw it.. The best designs sometimes come without thinking too much:

Yes, we have a sub. No, I am not telling you what and where. Patch based on Blackbeard’s pirate flag.

Doing the right thing V. Doing the right thing.

From the SWAT Magazine Facebook page:

I agree and also did many of the commentators. The truth is there are no easy or correct answers when something like this happens. We as civilians are not paid to go into harm’s way or have the responsibility to do so. In 100% cold terms, our priorities should be 1) My life, 2) My Loved Ones lives, 3) Everybody else lives.

Then again we are the good guys. When we see something wrong, our upbringing, training and morals make us want to intercede and put a stop to it. Also, nothing wrong with that line of thought.

We are also realists. We know that sometimes there are no happy endings, the prince does not end up with the princess and unicorns do not fart rainbows. We will make decisions that will weight heavily in our souls and there is nothing we can do about that.

Brady & Co. defecating building materials because of a Glock.

I gather they are upset about the Glock Raffle in Pima County. I had never sen the therm “Neo-Christian Cult of Economic Rapists” before, at least one realizes Gun Owners are not the dying breed the Bradys would like everybody to think, several go in a synonym competition, one has a sequence backwards proving once more you should not trust what Antis tell you about guns. The inevitable Goodwin Law makes its appearance, one is happy she doesn’t live in Arizona…and Arizonans agree plus the usual attacks to the GOP.

Amazingly enpough, the NRA is not targeted. Unless that is what the guy meant by Neo-Christian Cult of Economic Rapists” and I have been missing meeting because nobody told me.

CSGV Labor Day Edition.

I am guessing Ladd Everitt trying to roust union support. Does he think the SEUI thugs will do their thing and attack an Open Carry picnic or the NRA convention?

I  admit it would be funny to see a bunch of Barney-Colored idiots run for the nearest Union Hall and hide in the bathroom.

UPDATE: Apparently if you are a conservative, republican or Tea Party member, you are indeed in the sights of the unions. Jimmy Hoffa jr. said

“President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let’s take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong,” Hoffa added.

I thought we were done with the violent rhetoric in politics.

Mike Summit Knows History

Poor Mike, besides poor grammar his knowledge of historic facts regarding guns is null. Mikey baby, let me introduce you to the Liberator Pistol:

Known as the gun that took longer to reload than to manufacture, the Liberator was a single shot, smooth bore .45 ACP caliber gun that was produced in WWII reaching one million units. They were dropped in occupied territories for the Resistance forces alongside 10 rounds of ammunition. The idea is that a resistance fighter would use it to kill a German or Japanese soldier and procure their weapons for further fighting.

It came with a graphic instruction manual in one sheet to illustrate how to operate and reload:

Now, imagine what can an individual do to an occupying army with a modern handgun like a Glock <gasp!>

Pictures shamelessly stolen from Hellinahadbasket.com