Burial by Drano
I beg your pardon?
“Kids, hurry up! We need to get to the funeral home before they flush grandpa!”
CSGV: ZOMG a Glock Raffle in Arizona! (Part 2)
The raffle went very well. So much so they had another gun raffled also.
CSGV is not happy because Ladd actually broke his usual weekend rest and posted the link to the article in the Arizona Daily Star where the author bemoans the poor taste of Arizonans trying to get not a gun but two for cheap and after U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot eight months ago. Apparently nobody else in Pima County has been shot ever since if we go by what the Antis are saying.
The comment section was a give and take between the two usual factions with the race card thrown at the earliest possible. But the best of the best of comments was the following response to a race baiter and quite appropriate:
Made of 100% USDA approved WIN!
On expectations about Fast & Furious.
Those licking their chomps about Fast & Furious, may I remind you that a lot more Americans died in two other ATF-led operations: Ruby Ridge and Waco. No one Federal agent, supervisor or administrator served one second of prison time and nothing happened to ATF.
At best what we can get out of Fast & Furious is enough negative votes to make sure this administration does not get re-elected. Maybe then we can revisit ATF and do a serious clean up.
Mike, maybe it is you.
I just caught this over Brady’s Facebook:
Clifton McCree and Mark Barton were both spree killers, one in Florida and the other in Georgia and apparently Mike Summit worked in both locations. According to his LinkedIn & Facebook profile, Mike now lives & works in San Diego and I am not planning on dropping by anytime soon just in case.
Dude is seriously jinxed.