
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

So where did I go wrong?

I think I can pinpoint the “troubles” with my mind to books I read in my younger years. My classmates way back when we were in the 10 to 14 year old bracket, were enthused with Robert Louis Stevenson and his Treasure Island or Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer and the brave ones were dipping into the Tolkien sagas.

Leave it to the weirdo to read A Brave New World followed by 1984.

Formative years were pretty much formed. After that, Herman Hesse was child’s play.

What I got from all that was this: People are capable of doing amazingly good things and yet I am not surprised when they perform the most dark of cruelties.

It is not that the glass is half empty or half full, it is the asshole with the slingshot that will fuck up the Zen.

We must ban assault babies…wait one darn second!

Racist Gun Owner Shoots Underprivileged Kid.

CSGV/VPC/Garry McCarthy Version:

A racist gun owner shot and critically wounded a 19-year-old who tried to redistribute his nephew’s motorcycle in West Philadelphia Sunday night, police said.
According to police, three young men went to the 4000 block of Green Street in Powelton Village about 9:45 p.m. to look at a motorcycle that had been offered for sale on Craigslist.

While the 20-year-old Capitalist was showing the bike, one of the three men claimed his birthright to redistribute wealth and a second one ran off with the motorcycle, police said.

At that point, the 20-year-old’s racist uncle shouted for everyone to get down and pulled his hopefully-soon-to-be-illegal licensed handgun, police said. He fired once, hitting the underprivileged kid in the head.

The would-be community activist was taken to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in critical condition, police said.

The racist uncle, 31, put his weapon on the ground before police arrived and “explained” what had happened, officials said.

Police unfarly and without regard for the hard life they had, arrested the other two men.

An investigation is under way but it does not appear at this time that the racist licensed gun owner will face any charges. The ACLU should investigate the obvious violations of Human Rights by the racist gun owner.

However, do read what really happened in Philly.com.

Can you wait till I am awake?

The last couple of days, rumors have been flying about Hugo Chavez’s death. The Left’s favorite Progressive after Obama is reported to be in Cuba recovering or dead after emergency surgery to remove a pelvic abscess or cancer, or a curse or whatever rumor that is flying at that time.

Not five minutes ago I fire up the Twitter and check the latest rumor and my coffee-deprived brain is forced to deal with this stupidity:

I know that the latest Anti-Gun meme is that Gun Owners are getting ready to overthrown the Government by force or arms, kill all gays and send Blacks black to the plantation or export them to Liberia on the backs of the Mexicans; I get it.  But Mr. Honig should do at least a bit of research on Hugo’s ideas on gun control because they would make Sarah Brady proud.

Remember, It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.