
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

For your consideration: No Soliciting sign.

I was just reading Linoge’s post about religious door to door people and I had to chuckle. When we moved to our home, I printed and taped to the front door a small sign that said “Solicitors will be shot, survivors will be shot again” and it worked like a charm till my Non-English Speaking Mother came to live with us and I made the mistake of translating the meaning. She was horrified that I would be so nasty and impolite and took it down. (Don’t ever try to argue with an Spanish mother, they can make Jewish moms feel so guilty they’d convert into Catholicism)

Lately we are seeing a serious increase on Door Knockers: From Jehovah Witnesses to Avon Ladies to Magazine Sellers to Roof repairers and this being South Florida, I am sure one or two were offering door to door Santeria works. So I am thinking on having this sign made:

It is either that or a minefield.

Florida’s HB155 signed into law.

Privacy of Firearm Owners: Provides that licensed practitioner or facility may not record firearm ownership information in patient’s medical record; provides exception; provides that unless information is relevant to patient’s medical care or safety or safety of others, inquiries regarding firearm ownership or possession should not be made; provides exception for EMTS & paramedics; provides that patient may decline to provide information regarding ownership or possession of firearms; clarifies that physician’s authority to choose patients is not altered; prohibits discrimination by licensed practitioners or facilities based solely on patient’s firearm ownership or possession; prohibits harassment of patient regarding firearm ownership during examination; prohibits denial of insurance coverage, increased premiums, or other discrimination by insurance companies issuing policies on basis of insured’s or applicant’s ownership, possession, or storage of firearms or ammunition; clarifies that insurer is not prohibited from considering value of firearms or ammunition in setting personal property premiums; provides for disciplinary action.

And the usual suspects are throwing fits and threatening to challenge the law in court.

Just hours before Scott’s office announced the bill signings, the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence and three Florida physician groups announced they would challenge the gun gag law if the governor approved the measure pushed by the National Rifle Association.

“Gov. Rick Scott should realize the risks to public health and safety that he would be sanctioning by giving into the gun lobby’s agenda,” the groups said in a joint statement.

Other organizations planning to take part in the legal challenge are the Florida chapters of the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians and American College of Physicians.

Mind you, these medical organizations were approached beforehand to try and get some sort of compromise before having to result into going for a law. They ignored any possible conversation and now they are bitching.