
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

The Unholy Power of The NRA

Since I am finally doing baby steps around TwitterLand, I get to find more bon mots. This one caught my attention.

I would be a kind person if I were to say that Nikkii is just another thoughtful operative of VPC or CSGV, but in reality she is probably one young woman who might partaking too much on Extasis & Meth to form a coherent thought process of her own.

Her sentiment however is common among Anti Gunners and Lefties in general: If an organization has too much “power” and opposes an ideal they have, it should be illegal. This goes double if that organization is beating their militant tushies to a bright red without the help of the usual suspects. If i were to say that the NAACP has too much power over candidates and it should be illegal, every “Rights” organization would come after me, become Numebr One with a Bullet in the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hit parade and I would end up in a DOJ investigation with FBI agents knocking at my door. Why? Because I happen to believe that the Second Amendment is as valuable as the rest and that the whole Bill Of Rights must be allowed to be respected by everybody and enjoyed by everybody equally. Now, this is important for Nikkii to remember because the problems will not go away when the NRA and its 4 million members & families are safely tucked away in a “re-education” camp somewhere but those problems will increase. When you are so willing to give any government the power to eliminate those who oppose you ideologically, you will be in fear the rest of your life of running afoul of that government’s ideological ebbs & tides and thus becoming its enemy.

Don’t worry, re-education camps are like Jello: there is always room. We’ll save you a spot.

Pick One to Keep Safe.

Dear Nikkii: If Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall, Reality is the demolition team that brings the whole edifice down. I am willing to bet that you are a staunch Abortion Rights defender, proudly screaming a top of your lungs: “Every woman has a right to control her own body! Don’t Force your Morality On Me!” however those cute slogans will not help you defend yourself against the 250 lbs rapist holding a knife against your throat and imposing his morals (or lack thereof) while controlling your body as he pleases. Of course you could own a weapon to defend yourself against such eventuality but with the risk of being called a fucking crazy asshole by your peers.

Ego or Vagina: which one to keep safe is your choice.

The Myth of the Shoot-Me Vest.

“Don’t wear a Tactical/Photographer Vest! Bad Guys may recognize it and will shoot you first!”

We all read & heard comments like this all in many gun forums and even on TV shows. Yet I have not seen anywhere a single solitary case where a vest had anything to do with somebody’s criminal-related death or even injury.

Yes, some people may realize you might be carrying a gun, but usually they are either civilians that carry or understand concealed carry (and that you are a good guy) or police officers that know the same thing. Both types are not into revealing to the world that you are legally armed so there is no problem there. 99% of those who see you wearing a vest have no idea that your vest might be an indicator of firepower at all.

I’ve been carrying for a over decade now and my cover garment has been a vest in almost all cases. The most common question asked is if I am going fishing to which I answer yes. I’ve been asked twice if I am a photographer and said no, just a fisherman which pretty much ended the conversation.

I do wear a vest because it is a great way to carry wallet, light, bandana, cell phone, smokes, lighter and whatever else I might need. It is basically a Manly Man Purse that has no point reduction for the Man Card. I don’t have to chase individual items or spend 10 minutes loading and unloading anything: I just put on and take off my vest and all items will be there. It is comfortable up to 90 degree & 80% humidity weather, after that it gets a bit nasty in the South Florida climate.

So, wear your damn vest with pride and ignore the Gun Forum Experts.

PS: Some people actually support Open Carry and oppose wearing a vest. Go figure.

VPC: Gun = Madness.

Apparently I am insane if I kill somebody defending myself. Or defending my loved ones. Or if a Police Officer saves their miserable lives. And we already know what they think of our Military Service Men and Women.

UPDATE: The most hated piece of software for VPC and CSGV has to be Snipping Tool. VPC removed the Peter Druat’s comment….but a wee bit late.

Dear VPC: Just because you shooed away the flies, does not mean the turd is less disgusting.

A friend died.

Her name was Tina and truth be told, I never had much interaction with her. But she was the loving partner of Rob whom I known for a long while now. Rob was (and he think he still is) this curmudgeon young whippersnapper who had the southern version of the Steppenwolf meets Florida Cracker pat down. His “I don’t give a fuck” attitude would rub many people the wrong way and some of us found it endearing as one would see a tiger cub playing with a dead rabbit: He is just what his nature intended him to be.

All of the sudden we found some microscopic bits of “niceness” in Rob’s attitude, very few and far between. Sort of like finding ice in the planet Mercury. For a while I was wondering what the hell was wrong with him till one day and by happenstance I bumped into him waiting for her where I used to work. She was a delightful charming young lady who was all smiles. As I shook her hand, I stole a glance over Rob and saw in his face a mixture of pride, love and embarrassment for feeling the way he felt about her and me finding out. I thought “This is good. Very Good. Apparently he is human after all.”

I might have seen Tina maybe four times after that but I saw Rob many times and the changes she made on him, all for good. So, even though we never shared what is traditional known as Friendship, somebody who loved so hard and cared so much for a friend will ever remain a friend of mine.

Rest In peace Tina.

Kristina (Kraker) Blum Obituary

CSGV: What Are Those Freedoms You Speak Of?

What Freedoms do you speak of Mr. Everitt? We have not threatened you and yours even when your ilk have planned on destroying our families. We are not forcing you into anything, yet you demand we must be disarmed because we make you feel “uneasy” as if were Negros attending a lunch counter in the 50’s. Your concept of right to be safe is to demand our women to be powerless and to fall victim of sexual predators. We must be powerless against intruders that invade our homes but that makes you happy and cheerful. You demand the right to tell lies, distortions and assassinate our characters and try to force us to be silent and not to confront our accusers.

We celebrate independence and that makes you mad since Victimhood is your banner. After millions and millions of bytes of “information” you have sent through the webs, I have yet to see one single item where you criticize or condemn a criminal for attacking a law abiding citizen of this country. But you had no qualms on assailing peaceful common folks whose only “sin” is to own a gun.

You recently celebrated a letter sent to Salt Lake Tribune in which one of your kind asked Why Not Dueling? Well, Duels were done to restore Honor and Honor is something you lack and therefore you cannot claim.  Duels were held among gentleman which you are not. Duels required valor and were never held cowering under a desk.

So, we shall continue fighting you and yours under the banner of Ideas with the Rights enumerated in our Constitution as our weapons. Our fight is the Noble One and will continue to triumph till all restrictions to Free and Law Abiding Citizens are gone.