So, The End Of The World Is Tomorrow.
Does anybody know at what time?
I have stuff to do plus I need to know if I should call out sick at work.
Let me know.
Playing with headlines.
Bothe VPC and CSGV are posting the following Washington Post headline:
FBI: All but 1 of 56 law enforcement officers killed in 2010 was victim of someone using a gun.
Nicely crafted wording that leads you to believe the only cause of death for cops is people shooting at them. That is the info that will stick in anybody’s head if they just do a cursory reading. If you take the time to read and digest the rest of the “article, you will see that the wording suddenly changes to:
WASHINGTON — The FBI says 56 law enforcement officers were murdered on duty last year, up eight from 2009.
Worded to elicit a guttural response against guns, the report by the AP is erroneous and incomplete. But according to National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund report, there were a total of 61 officers murdered by firearm in the line of duty for 2010, a rise of 24 percent from the previous year. But they fail there were 73 other LEOs who died in traffic accidents which represents a 43% increase from 2009. Nine other officers died of different causes with a grand and sad total of 162 Officers dying in the Line Of Duty. Why do the AP, Washington Post, VPC and CSGV ignore the other 107 is obvious: They are not useful for their political cause.
A dead human being is only valuable to them as long as they can make political hay out of it.
CSGV & The Terror Watch List.
You guys are not helping your cause, you know that right? Chuckie Schummer and Mayor Bloomberg are gonna be very upset.
By the way Ross, you may want to check your fellow CSGV fan Olivia’s profile:
Last name Booth, Performing artist, quote in Latin. Whatever happens, do accept an invite from her to go to Ford’s Theater.
PS: I was reminded that you people have no sense of humor. So, for the record I am being facetious about Olivia. Still, don’t go to Ford’s theater with her unless you do a thorough pat down.
.45 Awesomeness!
After checking some previously unavailable sources via Wikileaks and the archives of the National Enquirer, I am sharing with you some secret information about the absolute superiority of the .45 ACP.
- The Atomic bomb dropped in Nagasaki was a dud. It did not explode when it hit the ground. Fortunately one of the tail gunners had his Colt pistol and was able to place a well aimed round thus finishing WWII.
- Titanic video taken by James Cameron while researching for his movie helped experts determine that what sunk the ship was an accidental discharge by a newly released 1911 pistol. The iceberg was an excuse.
- There is a cult in Utah that believes that if you divide .45 by zero, the End Of The World will surely come.
- Black Holes are created by stray .45 bullets shot up in the air during the 4th of July.
- A .45 ACP in 230 grain has enough mass to create its own gravitational field.
- Jeff Cooper once made a controlled demolition of a warehouse by forcing a .45 to ricochet from column to column.
- The Dead Sea Scrolls reveal that in the Final Battle between Good and Evil, Archangel Michael will cap Satan with a custom made STI in .45 ACP.
- In 1979, the U.S. Geological Survey said that if you shoot a .45 on a continental transform fault like the San Andreas Fault, you may trigger an earthquake.
- Global Warming was caused by shooting the first 50 rounds of .45 ACP +P.
- Would you care to guess what was the caliber used for The Big Bang?
Earth to Walgreens: The World is Imperfect & Dangerous.
That is why Jeremy Hoven chose to carry a concealed weapon. Specially since Walgreens across the country have been targeted by armed felons. In your Imperfect World even cops have been murdered under the lights of your shop. Jeremy Hoven chose to stand up, sahe himself save his fellow coworkers and got rewarded by corporate Walgreens with a pink slip.
In a Perfect Walgreens World, their stores have chalked outlines of dead customers & workers on the floor.