
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

VPC: Petty Minds & Petty Hearts

A Tweet form the twits at the Violence Policy Center:

The link goes to this story where a customer draws his weapon and engages a nutjob who just killed his girlfriend. While your average VPC or CSGV member would assume the Goddard Tactical Defense posture, somebody risked life and limb against evil. However, I will go with Assumption Parish Sheriff Mike Waguespack take:

he acted to protect others and there were no plans to book the armed man who intervened. “What he did was in the defense of others,”

And of course VPC is gonna hate that. You have much more political value as a corpse than as survivor. They are petty human beings, vultures searching for corpses.

Japete and Guns And Kids.

Joan Peterson once more riles against Kids around guns on her latest post to which I will not give linky love. Although I might run the risk that the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence sic Child Protective Services on my Gun Club, I would like to share with everybody scenes from our picnic match where kids get to shoot and have fun!

And, ZOMG! an Evil Assault Rifle!

And perverting girls too!

And here is a bit of video of the picnic with the kids shooting, having fun and being totally safe under the supervision of Safety Officers starting at 00:35. And yes, that is a suppressed 10-22 which had the adults drooling and demanding time behind the scope. Unfortunately the kids denied us access till there were only 50 rounds left and charged us to use it!

CSGV Activist Makes Fun of Gun Victim.

In a less than shocking display of cruelty, GSCV activist Roger Gore of Crozet, VA laughed Out Loud at the brutal attack by a concealed gun to a man waiting to be served at the local Taco Bell Drive-Thru.

OK so the gun did not attack the guy who might have been screwing around with the gun while waiting for his Nachos Bell Grande and Cinnamon Twists, but the CSGV idjit did express his pleasure that somebody got hurt. And they keep saying they are the Caring Ones while we are the Evil Ones.

And to Mary Fox: Dear, the gun did not kill anybody. He was wounded. Check dictionary for definition and difference.

CSGV: How dare you call us?

So apparently Tango had enough and decided to address CSGV’s accusation of Child Abuse made against him.  As you can imagine, CSGV and its mental dwarfs are having a Type 7 PSH about it specially since Tango actually called their High Priest Ladd Everitt on his published phone.

Now let’s get something clear: If a father forces a child to eat a small piece of chicken and have him change his bratty behavior for one of respect for the food put on the table, it is called parenting, not abuse. And when you let your distorted political views transform basic parenting into a vicious crime just because you are looking for some sort of leverage to silence the individual, that is called douchebaggery.

Right now, your kind is somewhere between fumbling clowns and a slight annoyance. Your political effectiveness is a bad joke. Keep the fight in the realm of ideology and we shall gladly engage in the same. But, do not try to up the ante with dirty tricks and false accusations or you will feel the wrath of millions of gun owners, savvy in the ways of the net and who will  work in every possible data search unearthing your deepest darkest secrets and joyfully publishing them online for the world to see. We rather not have to do this, but to quote a line from a movie:

I said I never had much use for one. Never said I didn’t know how to use it.

If you think we are bad now, wait till you really tick us off.

And not one single solitary gun will ever be fired. Yes, we will even deny you of the excuse to restrict our rights you seek the most. It will be a peaceful, non-violent, tofu-eating, patchouli-smelling, rainbow-farting, unicorn-ridden search and destroy your flimsy reputations mission.

And in case you haven’t noticed, I hate Bullies and that is what you are.

CSGV: Mental Masturbation at the Speed Of Technology

I could not do much but laugh at the unintended consequences of this CSGV fan imagination in a Brave New World.

Let’s say for argument’s sake that they install one of those devices in Florida where is legal to carry your sidearm inside a bank; the bank manager will have to do some serious dancing to avoid getting arrested for for kidnapping plus bank will be sued to the hilt. But let’s not dwell on that, just imagine pissing off every Law Enforcement Officer in civvies wanting to make a deposit and ending up encased by by this contraption.

You guys do not think shit through, do you? Set taser to BS.

PS: We are louder because we are many many more that you will ever dream to be.