
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

CSGV: Deception is Their Only Way and A Gun Blogger’s Dream.

I eventually will have to thank the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence for providing me with such succulent tidbits that I can use in this blog. Here is one I caught from their Facebook page:

If you are not a member of the Gun Culture and happen to bump into this forum, let me point out the lies told by CSGV with this picture.

The shotgun does indeed exist, but it was not for sale. The SHOT (Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade) show is not open to the public. It caters to resellers and the such where they place orders. The KSG (Ket Tec Shotgun) was displayed at the 2011 SHOT show but not one single KSG was sold to anybody in the show or to the public outside the show and, as far as I know, it still not in the market!

With a retail price of $800, I doubt it will be within the reach of you average deranged college student.

And remember, it is the pistol grip that makes the gun lethal…that’s according to CSGV.

CSGV: If your cause is so righteous, why do you need to lie?

CSGV: Because we will lie and take your kid away.

I had barely finished with my last post when I find out via Sebastian that CSGV is not only against Gun Rights but also against Parental Rights, specially if you are a Gun Owner. Blogger Tango writes about soon becoming a home owner (How dare he with so many people losing their homes!) going to Boomershot and how his little one is hard headed and refusing to eat what’s put in front of him like any of us did when we were that age.This last item shocked GSGV member Craig Hexman who did what CSGV does best: Lie.

Go to Tango’s and Sebastian’s blogs and read all about it.

CSGV:Deception is Their Only Way.

The Coalition To Stop Gun Rights Violence’s Twitter feed gives us this scary warning:

However one clicks the link and finds the real story:

A Cottage Grove man is charged with recklessly shooting a gun in a city after an attempted sale of an iPad went awry, according to authorities.

A witness told police that she had seen a man run from an SUV and then saw the driver chase him and shoot a gun down Marie Avenue, according to the complaint.

Cherrier told police he fired a shot in the air as the man ran away with his iPad, the complaint says. He did have a permit to carry a pistol.

If the events happen as portrayed in the article, the gun owner was wrong and should face the consequences if found guilty of the charges. But it still does not explain the need for CSGV to lie. Well, it does: They are slowly sinking in the quicksand of irrelevancy and these are the cries of a dying organization.