
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

They knew the mask mandate for planes was BS

The Idiotsphere is having kitties of different shapes and sizes about U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle kiboshing the plane mask mandate.  Two things struck me as interesting about the reaction: First, they attacked the judge because a group of other lawyers found her not to be qualified for “reasons” (IMHO mostly because she was a Trump appointee), but not a peep has been said about the lack of legality, fault or if her decision was unconstitutional. Zip. Nada. Niente.

And the second thing? This.


White House press secretary Jen Psaki called it a “disappointing” decision and said the CDC was still reviewing the ruling while encouraging Americans to continue wearing masks while traveling. When pressed on whether travelers were currently required to wear masks, Psaki said they were waiting for guidance from the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security.

Federal judge strikes down mask mandate for planes (yahoo.com)

This is not a surprise the befell the administration out of nowhere. This is not a lawsuit that was brought last week, and the judge rushed to decide on it.

The suit was filed last July against President Biden, the CDC and various administration officials by a legal group known as Health Freedom Defense Fund and airline passengers, including Ana Daza, who said she has anxiety aggravated by wearing masks.

So, either the administration’s lawyers were a bunch of morons who did not prepare for an immediate appeal in case the decision went against them, or they clearly knew they did not have a legal stand at the end of the day and was better not to even bother. And when the administration officially says “we are reviewing the ruling” it probably means “we are going to put this crap in the back burner and hope you forget about it. Here, look at the squirrels!”

The people in the administration are probably happy they did not have to take down the ruling themselves. It is bad enough in the polls (and their pride) as it is than adding to admit they made a a huge legal mistake.


Dear Idiots: No Mandate means that.

After the ruling (U.S. will no longer enforce mask mandate on airplanes, trains after court ruling | Reuters), we get the obligatory has-been celebrity making a stupid comment.

Apparently, it is hard for Rosanna to understand that she still has the personal freedom to fly with the mask is she chooses to do so.  And she is joined in the lamentations by some equally dumb people.

The politically hypochondriac have lost their ever-loving minds. You can always wear masks and saran-warp over your face if you choose so, but nobody is mandating French kissing a blood-splitting stranger in the plane either. This is about the same people who are so worried about their health and everybody’s but somehow have no problem with the government using taxpayer’s monies to provide for needles for the junkies because it will keep them “healthy”. How is that possible when you are contributing to help them shoot poison in their bloodstream is beyond their mental capability.

Oh well, be ready for some interesting viral videos of people freaking out in planes in the near future.