
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

ZOMG! MASS MURDER MAGAZINES! (all caps required)

Via Snowflakes in hell we find the new Anti Gun Buzz Words: MASS MURDER MAGAZINES! brought to you courtesy of

As it happens, I do know of a Mass Murder Magazine. It is called Newsweek, issue of May 9, 2005.

This Evil Assault Magazine published a report by Michael Issikoff where he wrote about how those brutal interrogators at Guantanamo bay were flushing the poor innocent terrorists’ Korans down the latrine in order to shake them up. Hell was raised all over the Arab world and mobs took to the streets of Pakistan where between 15 and 30 people died. But, oppsie! the article published by Newsweek was, What’s the word I am looking for? Inaccurate? nope, not that one. Incomplete? nope, not that either…. Ah yes! TOTAL BULLSHIT! The Koran thing never happened and Newsweek and Issikoff issued a “retraction” which means they got away scott free from causing a mass killing. Other Mass murderers either have the decency of killing themselves or end up locked away for life.

Will the crap we have to deal with from these anti-gun idiots ever cease?

I am sure ATF will trace this to an US Gun Store.

Colombian Army finds a submersible used by drug traffickers to transport drugs from Colombia to Mexico.

I think I saw one of these at my local gun show. Mayor Bloomberg promises to release secret videos where one oif his operatives managed to obtain a similar contraption without any background checks from a store in Bolivia.

Facepalm News: It is only violence if there is a gun involved.

This is the kind of stuff that makes you realize somebody spent his parent’s cash in college for basically drinking bong water and learning to be an idiot during spring break.

FAIRFIELD, CA – A family argument turned violent Saturday evening, after a father fired a gun at his knife-wielding son, Fairfield police say.

Call me cynic but I think the violence was in progress once the son grabbed the knife. I don’t know, I might be overly sensitive since I have seen a fair share of human innards exposed by knife and machete wounds. But that’s just me, you may have a different opinion.

[begin facepalm]

This was not covered in Tacticool School!

Our totally deranged Course of Fire designer came out with some doozies for our last IDPA match. So what would happen if you were using crutches due to a small accident and you were in need to defend yourself? About 50 shooters yesterday found out yesterday and it was enlightening to say the least for yours truly.

Even though none of us was injured in the way required to use crutches, we found ourselves fumbling to find a way to even think how to approach this stage. Your arms are forced up, you cannot sweep your cover garment properly and all of the sudden your gun is way down there while the crutch is having a field day restricting your movements. Add to that the need to safely do all this or be sent home for sweeping yourself or your buddies and you have yourself an eye opener.

The good news was that once you managed to draw your gun, you had one seriously stable shooting stance. Them crutches were a solid base! I even managed to get all zero down which is consider a minor miracle in South Florida shooting.

There was another stage where we were supposed to shoot from a wheelchair, but apparently wheelchairs come in sizes and the one we had were for anorexic runaway models which precluded about half the club from even sitting, much less drawing the gun.

Nugget of Learning obtained: Life happens and you better adapt really quick.