
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Government approved shooting sports.

If I am reading this correctly and Google Translate is not pulling my leg, Germany inspects and reviews IPSC shooters so they are not in violation of the country’s gun laws that apparently forbid not only large caliber weapons (I think they think anything above .22LR is large caliber) but also shooting on the move and any sport that includes defensive shooting. And checking for IDPA clubs in Germany, I see that none exist with IDPA HQ.

Somebody should tell Japete, maybe she’ll move to Germany.

h/t to meinungsterror.de

The Oregon Barista Case Affidavit of Probable Cause.

A while back I mentioned the Dutch Brothers change of heart about gun restrictions in the workplace following a case where a barista used his weapon when he was being robbed at gun point. Out of sheer luck I bumped into some court documents including the Affidavit of Probable Cause which is basically the police report of the events. Makes for good reading and even better learning tool.

Help the Families of Officers Castillo and Haworth

The Dade County PBA Love Fund is accepting donations to assist the families of fallen Miami-Dade Police Officers Roger Castillo and Amanda Haworth during this difficult time. If you would like to help, please make your checks payable to “The Dade County PBA Love Fund” earmarked for Officers Castillo and Haworth in the memo section of your check. The mailing address is 10680 NW 25 St., Miami, FL 33172.

The Dade County PBA Love fund is a federally recognized charitable organization [501 (c) (3)] established in 1984 to aid law enforcement officers and their families in their time of need including assisting the families of officers killed in the line of duty. Your donations are tax deductible and 100 percent of the money goes to the families.


Miami Dade Officers killed on duty: a story quickly vanishing.

The reasons:

  1. No AK 47 or High Capacity “clip” was involved. Political hay cannot be made.
  2. Hard to attach the “Poor boy gone wrong because of uncaring society” label to a stone cold killer. Political hay cannot be made.
  3. One of the Officer killed was Latino. Hard to make a case against Racist Pigs. Political hay cannot be made.
  4. The other Officer killed was a woman. Hard to make a case against Sexist Pigs. Political hay cannot be made.
  5. No community or national faux religious “leader” available for comments. There is no political hay to be made.

Expect some small extra coverage of the officers during their burial, specially if lots of out of town cops come to pay their respects. It makes for good video.