
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

A New Episode of The COVID Theater of Horror is available for your freaking out pleasure.

(AP) – Yet again, the U.S. is trudging into what could be another COVID-19 surge, with cases rising nationally and in most states after a two-month decline.

One big unknown? “We don’t know how high that mountain’s gonna grow,” said Dr. Stuart Campbell Ray, an infectious disease expert at Johns Hopkins University.

No one expects a peak nearly as high as the last one, when the contagious omicron version of the coronavirus ripped through the population.

But experts warn that the coming wave – caused by a mutant called BA.2 that’s thought to be about 30% more contagious – will wash across the nation. They worry that hospitalizations, which are already ticking up in some parts of the Northeast, will rise in a growing number of states in the coming weeks. And the case wave will be bigger than it looks, they say, because reported numbers are vast undercounts as more people test at home without reporting their infections or skip testing altogether.

It’s not over: COVID-19 cases are on the rise again in US (14news.com)

Would it be fair to say that there is only some skin and bones left to beat on this dead COVID horse?

Dr. Eric Topol, head of Scripps Research Translational Institute, said the numbers will likely keep growing until the surge reaches about a quarter the height of the last “monstrous” one. BA.2 may well have the same effect in the U.S. as it did in Israel, where it created a “bump” in the chart measuring cases, he said.

“WE MUST PANIC” say the experts. About what? Not really sure. But you need to go deeper in the article to find the “We are being balanced” disclaimer:

Joseph Wendelken, spokesperson for the Rhode Island Department of Health, said the metric they are most focused on right now is hospitalizations, which remain relatively low. About 55 COVID-19 patients are hospitalized, compared with more than 600 at one point in the pandemic.

COVID does hit a certain demographic. We have known this for over a year now: Obesity, smoking, advanced age, overall weakened state is some of the things that may cause people to fall sick and even die. But the use of “infection” as only true measure and suggesting a direct equivalence to death is plain lies spread on purpose by the same media that complains about people believing other sources rather than them. Even the latest strain of Ebola “only” kills about 50% of those infected while the survival rates for COVID are in the 99% neighborhood.

But fret not. The COVID Theater of Horror is not going anywhere. In fact, the show has been renewed and new seasons have been approved and will come to your life soon.

Vigilance is a good strategy, experts said, because the coronavirus is constantly throwing curveballs. One of the latest: even more contagious subvariants of BA.2 found in New York state, known as BA.2.12 and BA.2.12.1. And scientists warn that new and potentially dangerous variants could arise at any time.

“We shouldn’t be thinking the pandemic is over,” Topol said. “We should still keep our guard up.”

They will keep on beating the horse till they pulverize all of it or no longer is a usable political tool.

Media complains about Disinformation. Apparently, they hate competition.


Journalists are sounding an alarm about the spread of disinformation in society and how it affects their jobs on a daily basis, along with skepticism on whether traditional methods to combat it really work.

The free speech advocates PEN America found in a survey of journalists released Thursday that 90% said their jobs have been affected by false content created with the intent to deceive.

Journalists Despair Over Toll of Disinformation on Jobs (voanews.com)

This is funny. The group that constantly has been caught deceiving the American People by taking political sides and tailoring news so they can influence electoral and other outcomes are mad because the people trust other sources, truthful/accurate or not.

Disinformation takes many forms: former President Donald Trump’s false claims that he won the 2020 presidential election,

Not a single case of election’s fraud has been presented, nobody has been arrested or anything, right?

unproven COVID-19 treatments spreading online

Like never-ending booster vaccines? Oh wait, that is part of the “Trust The Science” conglomerate who happens to be financing a lot of Media parent companies with ads.

and wild QAnon theories about pedophilia.

It ceased to be a theory the moment your people actually started to loudly protest their “right” to teach kindergarteners about sex and to offer gender reassignement counseling and even theraphy to minors without the consent of the parents.

It could be as simple as a local politician lying about an opponent’s record

Newspapers lying about local pols is OK. Protected even.

or this week’s debate over whether video showed bird poop landing on President Joe Biden’s jacket during a speech.

It is OK, we all know that the poop is between Pedo Joe’s ears.

Dear Journos: What is making your life difficult can be found by simply standing in front of he nearest mirror and looking at the person being reflected. If you had not betrayed the trust with the public so many decades ago, we would not had the need to seek other sources. And what is worse, knowing well that it is your product the one that people reject, rather than retool, improve and report the news, you decided to whine, bitch and lie about other sources while doubling down on the propaganda you are already dismissed for.

You shot yourselves repeatedly on the foot. Don’t blame the gun or the people watching you.


GunFreeZone now has GiveSendGo for Donations

GiveSendGo – Fundraiser for GunFreeZone Blog: The #1 Free Christian Fundraising Site.

Several people have told me to go ahead and add GiveSendGo as donation platform. And after the bullcrap GoFundMe pulled in Canada, I figured you guys were right.

Now I have to play again with the right column and leave a permanent visual access for all visitors.

And thank you everybody!