
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Anti Government? And you say that like it is a bad thing.

One of our local TV stations ran one of the hard hitting  “ZOMG! We are all gonna die!” pieces on the alleged resurgence of Anti Government forces, also known as Militias. Of course they had already dedicated part of their broadcast to the possible butt flaying that the Democrats will more than likely going to get in Congress by the end of business today.

I could not help but laugh at the fact that We The People are voting Anti Government today and these Media Morons have not figured it out yet.

BREAKING NEWS: The Militia is out in full force! They are using the Ballot Box to advance their Anti Government Agendas! Run For Your Lives!

Maybe we should pass a law against voting seeing that it could be used to “destroy” the Government. “If it only saves one lazy ass bastard, over spender, tax raising incumbent’s job, it will be worth it!”

New Blog: Suburban Sheepdog.

A shooting friend of mine is taking steps into the Blogosphere. I am sure the Suburban Sheepdog will become a great blog to read. I known Robert for over a decade now and I still remember my first impression: I saw this portly white man in a white hat, reddish beard speaking a damn good shade Spanish for a Gringo so I named him the Cuban Quaker. Fortunately for him, the moniker did not take.

I am sure his posts will be great to read and thought provocative. We had our discussions, sometimes heated but you can count he will be honest and he will speak out his mind.

Welcome to the interwebs Robert.

Headline On Target

Give it to Drudge. He can do headlines that condense the proper feeling. Maybe they are doing a duet of Pagliacci.

Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto,
ridi del duol che t’avvelena il cor!

(Laugh loud, Pagliaccio, forget all of your troubles,
Laugh off the pain that so empoisons your heart. )

A bit too little too late. After Tuesday, Act One of this La Commedia è finita! Then again they will have material for the next 2 years when we enact the end of Act Two.

Guilty by not associating? (No politics)

So, What else would you like to shoot?  How many disciplines are you involved in or do you just shoot one? Or none? Do you feel guilty about not shooting more in some sort of organized gun sport? I am hoping I am not the only one with these thoughts.

I shoot IDPA and I love it. It is not boring like your standard static range practice and I get to hang out with other shooters who gossip, argue, discuss and generally BS about everything from politics to guns to the importance of the proper amount of fresh basil in a good pasta sauce. Cowboy Action Shooting does not have an attraction to me, probably because I was not raised in the U.S. culture and awe of the cowboys. IPSC also does not interest me, mostly because they spend more time running around than shooting and I always hated running, even when I played soccer which is why I chose to be a goalkeeper. Tactical Carbine? Ambivalent so far; I like a good AK going bang but the only serious place and time which I could enjoy and learn more, conflicts with work and I can’t ever make it. Also the Carbine Crowds are going way too gear slut and if you don’t have the applicable cool M4 platform approved by BARF.com, gearwear or approved (for that week) Gucciflage, you ain’t spit in some people’s eyes. Also the most of the training available is concentrated on clearing villages in Afghanistan and not how to defend my property after the latest Hurricane has rendered my local police services overwhelmed. Yes, I like my local defensive tactics up and including the inevitable Zombie invasion. 🙂

So i guess I feel a bit guilty for not shooting more. So what am I itching for? Shotguns and Rifles, the bolt action kind. I definitely want a .22LR and maybe a 270. Not a whole lotta recoil in either and will do the job of keeping me busy and happy.

I do want to take some self defense shotgun classes. The red flying frisbees just don’t do it for me. Maybe if we are lucky, IDPA will polish the rules for Multi Gun before the next presidential elections and make it so people can actually feel they are shooting IDPA with long guns and not that they have to buy a Wilson Combat’s® Scattergun Technologies puppy in order to compete. Yes, we want to use red dots with our shotties and also please get the scoring figured out ’cause even the Devil is confused.