She is always the woman.

“And that was how a great scandal threatened to affect the kingdom of Bohemia, and how the best plans of Mr. Sherlock Holmes were beaten by a woman’s wit. He used to make merry over the cleverness of women, but I have not heard him do it of late. And when he speaks of Irene Adler, or when he refers to her photograph, it is always under the honorable title of the woman.”
(A Scandal in Bohemia. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.)
A Century or so before there were trekkies, there were (and still are) Sherlockians. Nowadays the fictional heroines are very voluptuous and with graphical depictions that leave almost nothing to the imagination. For us there is only one amazing redhead (As I see her) who according to Dr. Watson had a “superb figure outlined against the lights of the hall.” And yet she conquered us with her amazing brain and broke our hearts when she eloped with a stranger. She is the First Love, The One That Got Away, The Dark Secret In Our Hearts.
The Koran, The Dickwad and The FBI.
The Dickwad preacher up there in Gainesville that wants to burn the Koran, I am disgusted in principle because anybody burning ANY book is just an idiot but he is free to do so according to the same SCOTUS rulings that allows any Nanci Pelosi voter to freely burn the US Flag, piss on christian religious symbols and engage in hate speech against those who are not into liberal lobotomies. But when political expediency allows the burning of bibles without a hiccup of moral doubt and sends FBI agents to “visit” the previously mentioned Dickwad and “talk” to him, I get this little acid reflux thing going. I am guessing hypocrisy is not easily digested by my stomach.
My brain hurts. At least she is not blonde.
Everyday, No Days Off bring us this sad video from Esquire Magazine. The image is a capture of the video and to look at it gives any half assed gun enthusiast a major OMFG headache.
After ingesting a couple of Excedrin and ignoring the obvious stupidity, I checked the video once more and noticed the nice gun sweeps that the beautiful woman from ATF does to herself drawing the “Glock & Wesson”….
And then reholstering it.
And one has to wonder who was her firearms instructor. Could it be…
Nah! It would be too damn easy.
The enemy is more than one kind.
After the McDonald v. Chicago SCOTUS decision, I caught an Alan Gottlieb interview in a podcast or a radio show where he admonished about the dangers of people inundating the courts with silly lawsuits based both on Heller and McDonald. He also warned us about the possible misuses by defense lawyers on both cases and the unintended consequences. One already popped out: U.S. v. Yancey.
Mathew Yancey was arrested and charged with possession of firearm as an unlawful user of marijuana. He pleaded guilty, was convicted but appealed saying that it violated his the Second Amendment Rights as interpreted in District of Columbia v. Heller.
The United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit, heard the appeal and affirmed the conviction. And in the decision, the judges added this little tidbit of interpretation.
We have already concluded, based on our understanding of Heller and McDonald, that some categorical firearms bans are permissible.
I have not finished digesting the whole decision, but that sentence alone made my day go a bit sour. I am not a lawyer no matter how many times I stayed at the Holiday Inn, but my reading of this is not good and I think the legal consequences may come back to haunt us.
If so, to the pot smoking idiot, I wish to express my hope that the nightly colon exams courtesy of his fellow inmates while he reconsiders the virtues of being a stoner.