
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

What is a Gun Free Zone? The suspension of logic.

A Gun Free Zone is a bad contract issued between yourself and some other entity in which you agree to forgo any attempt to defend yourself while in the area defined by this “contract” while the other side will not provide you with a decent system to protect you in case of trouble. If you were to have the means to protect yourself while in a Gun Free Zone, you will be prosecuted and probably found guilty of breaching the original agreement. A Gun Free Zone could be a school, a post office, a county, a state or the whole country. It is an ever expanding concept which promises the moon over starry eyes.

Let’s make it simpler: You body has what it is called an immune system. This is an integrated body system of organs, tissues, cells, and cell products such as antibodies that differentiates self from nonself and neutralizes potentially pathogenic organisms or substances. Basically it is an armory dedicated to fight things that might kill you such as bacteria, microbes, virus, parasites, etc. Some people either by sickness (Like AIDS), by treatment (Radiation therapy) or by genetics (Primary immunodeficiencies, think The Boy in the Bubble) lack this defensive system which makes them prone to infections and death. Your body has an array of amazing weapons: White Cells, T-Cells, Lymphocytes, B-Lymphocytes and a whole slew of guns and ammo dedicated  to protect you. Any living organism that wants to hurt you, will face no mercy from these weapons. And of course, we have antibiotics and other medications which we take to help our body combat these invaders. Basically we pull no punches when our body is threatened with sicknesses.

Now, your family doctor or the Secretary of Health and Human Services comes to you and tells you must give up your immune system and that it would make us all safe by doing so. They would promise that the best doctors would be roaming the streets just one phone call away in case you develop an emergency such a a cold or a cut that might need to be treated. Or if you wish, you just could go to a local hospital and file a complain about the infection and wait to be treated for that ferocious tetanus that attacked you and let the wheels of Medical Gov take your case. And by the way, you will have no say on the issue of countering an infection because we will make it against the law for you to have immune system. Possession of White Cells or any other body component aimed to defeat dangerous microorganisms without the proper and state-given authorization will be harshly punished.  Oh! And by the way, I must inform you that the Supreme Court determined that We The Government have No Duty to Treat You so you cannot sue us or penalize us in any way in case of sickness or death.

Sounds absolutely stupid and downright absurd, right? Yet we are asked to give up our guns in order to be “safe” under the care of the Government but without any guarantee of security at all. We are told we must shed our means to fight against a criminal if we are in these areas just because a group of lawmakers decided we are better off following a law that no criminal or deranged individual must follow. And yet many people think this is a good and logical thing!

The Left’s breathless wish: Waiting for The New McVeigh.

“I’ve come to believe he needs a certain level of violence in this country. He is willing to accept a certain level of killing to further his political agenda. The vice president, too. How else can you explain this dishonesty we get out of the administration?”
Wayne LaPierre about President Clinton.
appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” March 12, 2000.

You can hear them giggling like schoolgirls and praying to their less-than-divine superior entities.  “Dear Gaia, there must be a McVeigh out there. We need him to blow something up and get lots of people killed so we can destroy them Teabaggers, Threepercenters, Gun Owners and the rest of Conservative morons.” Yet nothing has happened and they grow restless.

There are some taking action to badmouth the Tea Party and make anybody that sympathizes with them feel threatened or guilty. Attacks by thugs against Tea Party protesters, Health Care Challengers, caravans and even other union members that disagree have happened but sparsely since it is too risky; you see, those bigoted Teabaggers may actually carry guns and may be able to defend themselves against the legitimate mobsters of the Left. And if that is not bad enough, there are people with those damned video cameras taping everything and uploading it to Youtube (There ought to be a law, right?) Some want to try a “softer” approach by infiltrating Tea Party Rallies and display racist or threatening banners and behaving like the Left’s idea of Conservatives.

But in their heart of hearts what the desperately wish is another Timothy McVeigh so they can bring the full force of the traditional media against us. They don’t see the life of innocents as a sacred value if political brownie points can be made. The dust had not yet settled from the Murrah Building when the Clinton Administration blamed Talk Radio and the NRA not because they were guilty in any shape or form, but because it was politically convenient to assign them the blame. Time and again the Left will do a danse macabre, pour ash over their heads and torn their clothes over the corpses of victims they created in order to gain sympathy for their cause and to slam the opposition. Columbine, Virginia Tech and any of the m assacres in Gun Free Zones are bright examples of this bloody theatrics.

So be ready when something big and terroristic happens. It might be Bin Laden blowing a elementary school full of children, but it will be the Tea Party and the Conservatives that will get the blame. Remember, these are the same idiots that said it was America’s fault that 9-11 happened and some even went on saying we deserve it. Tin Foil Hat? About a year ago, I’d agree with you that it would be stupid and loony to think like this, now I am not so sure. A friend of mine commented years ago that the scene from Schindler’s List that stayed with him was when the Jews were herded into the Ghetto, they were hungry, miserable and cold. A group was around a fire in a 55 gallon barrel and one of the comments was along the lines of  “Well, this is as bad as it gets” … and it is well know it got worst.

Don’t cry about the company you keep and the consequences.

The video shows an edited and editorialized version of an event that happened in 2007 where an Apache engaged a group of “civilians” which included two “journalists” working for Reuters. I have no idea who works in Wikileaks, but they must have the weirdest set of eyes in history. They fail to see at least 2 men armed with rifles (one having the distinct AK shape) and another person carrying an RPG but they identify with certainty the “reporters” and almost the serial number of the video cameras they allegedly have. The clamor is because they shot this group of 8 individuals for no reason even though you can hear the radio transmissions from the chopper and the ground about a Bradley unit nearby. After a generous dose of fire by the Apache, a van shows up to collect bodies. Fearing that besides the bodies, the new arrivals might collect weapons, the crew asks for permission to re-enagage and after obtaining it, the van becomes a-holee chunk of metal. Sadly, the moron driver of the van had 2 children inside who were injured in the attack.You cannot make out the children before or after the attack until the Bradley column arrives and the soldiers take the kids for medical attention. You will see a badly CSI attempt to enhance the video and point out the camera carried by the “journalists” and the heads of the kids in the driver’s side window of the van… of course you will see only a dark squarish object under the arm of one of the individuals and two round images on the window. I imagine you are allowed to use your imagination and also see two kitties, a pair of sunflowers or whatever is your desire.

The the patchouli infused whiners at Wikileaks of course lay the whole blame on the Apache crew, the US army, the Military-Industrial complex, Dick Chenney, Batman and the Cuban guy who sells churros in Hialeah by 49th street and Palm Avenue. However it never crosses their mind to wonder what the hell these two “journalist” were doing hanging around armed males sneaking peeks around a building and down the street where a column of Bradleys was going by.  They never even question why a sane person would drive a van with kids inside where a a military helicopter just finished redecorating the street with anatomical parts, live and in color. I am sure that the Apache crew felt worse than the parent that so blatantly and carelessly placed his kids in the line of fire. We all feel bad, innocents should not be used as human shields or be the victims of their parents stupidity. Hopefully Dad is in Hell right now paying for his amazing display of child welfare.

And what about the poor poor Reuters “Journalists”? Careful about the company you keep and where are you working. Stupid hurts or in this case, it kills.

PS: I did a quick Google search for Reuters journalist killed in Action and, Dude! It is dangerous working for Reuters. They just popped one in Thailand.