
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

A bad day at the range beats a day at work.

And yesterday was bad. Possibly one of my worst IDPA matches ever where not a thing happened just right, somewhat right or passably right. Funny thing was that a lot of people were that way too. Surgical shooters were hitting No-Shoots like they were Collaborators, Failures to Neutralize were the norm and we didn’t have stages that were too hard. About the only things that were running right were the New Shooters (5 of them introduced to IDPA) and everybody was safe with their guns.

Is there a Spring Sickness I am supposed to know about? It was the first week out of an unseasonable cold weather for South Florida. There was a constant cool breeze but the sun shined enough that we got a bit of a reddish tan and some more than necessary… which reminds me we must implement our customary Heat Exhaustion/Sickness/Stroke protocols.

Whatever it was, it did not bring the worst on people. Fifty Six shooters were exhausted, disappointed at ourselves but in a good mood. Nothing can beat that.  It is always good to shoot some and hang out with your buddies.

One thing did come out half right.

Not a bad one coming from me and only 34 photos taken. I usually get a decent one out of a hundred plus.

Monster Hunters Everywhere!

Uncle Ted, Monster Hunter.

As seen in Larry’s Blog and agreeing with many of Larry’s fans when they said:
This is the height of awesomeness!
One cannot begin to imagine the amount of firepower that Uncle Ted can bring to a Monster fight…. all by his lonesome. I picture Werewolf hides nailed to a wall in a secret recording studio somewhere in the wild.

We truly are a Monster Hunter Nation.

Gallery of Scumbags: And I am the Violent One? ( NSFW. Graphic Language and Idiocy)

Via A Dixie Carpetbagger,  you get to find out the true “peaceful” nature of our Opposition.

You can listen to the full audio here or read the transcript now:

“Yeah, I’m glad the president passed health care. Yeah. Funky ass, racist-ass Republicans hate that, don’t you? Jean Schmitt, when you got hit by that car, you should’ve broke your back, bitch. And Boehner, motherfucker…that Mitch McConnell. All you racist fucking Republicans. Why don’t you just change your party name to racist? Cuz if one of those fucking Tea baggers had spit on me, I’d have shot all them in the fucking face with my fucking 9 millimeter. Fuck all you racist motherfuckers.”

Bravo Sierra call on those alleged attacks to Congresscritters.

Jim at Wolf Tracks applies logic and calls it as he sees it:

Another reason we know there are no “bullets being shot through windows” is extremely obvious: any Patriot who shoots through a window isn’t going to miss their target and there’d be a body laying on the floor near that window

Yep, that pretty much covers it.

Facepalm News.

  • Outlaw pot growers in California fear legalization. I kid you not. Tony Montana would be so proud…
  • “It is clear that the flow of illegal arms and cash have contributed to the violence observed in our country,” So it says Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa. Of course having one of the more corrupt governments in the world and a police force that actually is the one providing the guns to the drug dealers have nothing to do with the Violence in Mexico. It is them Gringo gun shows where they sell rocket launchers and submarines.
    • Congresscritters: “We needs protection from them Peoples!”

      Well, it seems The People is pissed enough that they are letting know their alleged “Representatives” their displeasure with not very nice messages. Of course the Washington Royalty is now afraid that the peasants may revolt and are demanding they submit or Redcoats are going to be sent after them. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is demanding (what’s new?) that fellow Republican Congresscritters denounce any violence against Congress members that royally urinated on the Constitution. Now Mr. Hoyer, if the members of the Obama Chamber Potty formerly known as Congress would have follow the Will of the People and voted against Obamacare, you wouldn’t be needing “protection” against any fabricated threat (yes, I am calling it a fantasy. You guys are pond scum enough to do it and have done it in the past) but instead chose to try perpetuate yourselves in power and accept bribes & pork over the Good of the People.

      Maybe you should find a copy of the Good Book (You know, that black book you used when you were sworn in and it might be somewhere in the bottom of a drawer?) and check Hosea 8:7, then you might understand.