
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

On Babes, Bobbies and Pink Guns.

My favorite Pod-Mistress Gail Pepin has a bone to pick with some firearms manufacturers. It seems that she finds demeaning the use of big boobs and slim female bodies wearing saran wrap-type clothing to sell guns to the male population and also hates the idea that pink guns will sell automatically to women because of some hidden genetic code that forces them to buy anything in that color according to manufacturers. Gail also picks a serious femur with us because we actually take a spell to admire such marketing ploys. Supposedly, we should be ashamed of ourselves.

Gail, sorry but this cro-magnon is not apologizing. Although I understand there is a fair amount of the “fair” sex that finds these type of things offensive, another fair amount do not care and sex is a valid selling tool. However do give us neanderthals the benefit of  doubt. The babe displaying the gun can be the Playmate of the Century and have the body that God and a very good plastic surgeon gave her, but if the gun she is pushing is crap, I ain’t buying and that goes for the majority of fellow male Gun Owners.

I don’t care if the Whizbang 3000 Tactical AKlon comes with a free Hooker-a-Month and a free weekly case of Jack Daniels, if it does not go bang every time I pull the trigger and lands the bullets where I want it to go, I will not buy it and neither will any other gun owner with an IQ above 75. Specially nowadays with the Interweb and gun forums offering almost instant and brutal reviews on any gun that hits the market.

I don’t think there is a male in the Modern Gun Culture that has not seen the above poster. And allegedly there is one even racier floating around the net (If you have it, please send me the link or mail me the pic to miguel(AT)gunfreezone.net, many thanks in advance) but as good looking as she is, the only reason LaRue sells oodles is because they deliver a great quality product and they stand by it. As good looking as poster babe could be, I am not defining my self defense on libido but weapon quality and functionality. If SHTF, who in his right mind will pick her over a rifle? (Yes guys, there is a rifle in that poster. Look harder.)

As for pink guns, why not? There are actually many women and some men that like pink. If the lady likes purple…sorry…fuchsia, well go ahead and get a gun in that color. It is your money and your taste and as long as it goes bang and hits the target, who cares? I love to see my wife wearing a pink blouse or sweater ’cause I think she just looks beautiful in it. She is not a fan pink so I don’t buy much clothing in that color because I hate to impose. Would I buy her a pink AR? Nope, but I have the suspicion that a gun in Bengal tiger colors would drive her insane. You don’t like pink? Don’t buy it and demand that the manufacturer come with a gun in your favorite color. To each his or her own.

And of course, there are those of us that think a Pink AK should be banned just on bad taste. 🙂

PS: I refer to Gail as Pod Mistress. I know it evokes the idea of whips and other devices of control and that is why I use it. Gail has to record a podcast with the likes of Massad Ayoob, John & Terri Strayer, Steve Denney, Herman Gunter, Chris Christian and Mike Larney in a free-for-all format. The only way that the show does not run away from her is to keep that herd in absolute control. I heard rumors that besides the standard recording equipment, a bayonet, a whip, a taser and several cans of pepper spray are always at Gail’s reach.
If you haven’t check them out, you are missing on a great show. Search iTunes & subscribe for ProArms Podcast and enjoy!

PS2: Gail, when you read this and start plotting revenge and ways to flay me with you bayonet attached to your Glock I have bad news. I won’t be going to the Florida IDPA State Match this year. 😛  So unless you make a trip all the way down here to Miami, you will have to wait till 2011. <evil laugh>

IRS getting some shotties.

Via Drudge Report

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) intends to purchase sixty Remington Model 870 Police RAMAC #24587 12 gauge pump-action shotguns for the Criminal Investigation Division. The Remington parkerized shotguns, with fourteen inch barrel, modified choke, Wilson Combat Ghost Ring rear sight and XS4 Contour Bead front sight, Knoxx Reduced Recoil Adjustable Stock, and Speedfeed ribbed black forend, are designated as the only shotguns authorized for IRS duty based on compatibility with IRS existing shotgun inventory, certified armorer and combat training and protocol, maintenance, and parts.

Holy crap! Somebody wants some seriously pimped out shotguns in D.C. Afraid of the next Tea Party march?

The KKK opens a franchise in D.C.

Yep, kid you not. The new address is 1730 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Suite 1014, Washington D.C. 20036 which also happens to be the address of the Violence Policy Center or as we call it in the Gun Culture The Brady Bunch. Sara Brady and her minions must be so desperate that they actually came out with a document stating that “Successful efforts to reduce America’s black homicide toll must put a focus on reducing access to firearms.”

The document in question, Black Homicide Victimization in the United States is basically a regurgitation of FBI statistics from the Unified Crime Report with a racist twist added. That The Brady Bunch actually came out and published such a document speaks volumes of their desperation, specially since the Heller decision and the total lack of support from the White House on Gun Control Issues. Be advised, the White House is not against instituting bans on private gun ownership, but they figured that politically it would be a third rail, specially since not even 24 hours after President Obama got inaugurated the WH web page stated that banning Evil Black Rifles was top priority and half the USA went out and bought one.

So, who else agrees with the VPC report? Sarah Brady must be proud to know that distinguished members of our society such as Stormfront – White NationalistCommunity (read KKK On Line) agrees with VPC 100% . In its forum you will find threads like No Guns for Negroes reflecting pretty much the same sentiments although without the Washington Think Tank verbosity. Same goes for the not quite National Geographic website Chimpout which not only decries the fact that a nigger has an assault rifle, but condemn the Tea Party Movement… just like any good Liberal Progressive from MSNBC would.

Perhaps VPC and company should read Clayton Cramer’s The Racist Roots of Gun Control before doing any more “papers.” Maybe again they do not care, maybe they are racists after all.

And so far, none of the good old African American activist have been heard. No NAACP, no Jesse Jackson, no Al Sharpton, no Nation of Islam, nobody. Maybe they are behaving like the good plantation drivers that they are.

Things that tick me off.

Morbid Obesity is not a handicap. The fact that you are a 30 year old lard ass who has no self control and have to down 7 pound of Twinkies a day does not give you the right to abuse motorized chairs placed by a store for the elderly and those with serious infirmities.  Get off the damn thing and walk, it may actually help you.

People that steal your ideas, go running to the boss, make it look as if they came up with it and get promoted. Extra tick-off points if they write you up when you refuse to help them develop the idea that wasn’t theirs to begin with.

The expression “You are such a hater” which is political equivalent of “What-e-ver.” It is as mature as the present administration accusing former President Bush of each and every failure they had so far. Grow the fuck up for christsakes.

To the National Association of Recording Arts and Sciences: Newsflash,  it is time to ditch the Grammys.  Post show comments will include who was wearing what, who is dating who, who did something stupid live on camera because his/her career is tanking and needs the extra publicity or who was drunk/drugged/high. You never hear anymore who played the best or who sang the best. Music has been relegated to a tertiary role between commercials and press releases.

Dump the Ego.

A trial ended yesterday. The case involved a shooting on a female by a male resulting in the grievous injury of the female. She sustained damage to her arm both muscular and neural. Her arm will never again be 100% functional and she has, no joke, developed a mongo aversion to guns. The male was a childhood friend of hers and one silly night and because one silly stupid argument, two lives have been changed forever.

The fight was about a truly irrelevant object but it escalated to the point where the male produced his firearm and a shot rang out. Was there intention to kill? I don’t think so and he was not charged with that  but a much lesser count. Still the jury found him guilty and he will probably be sentenced to 8 years in prison. The male had a Concealed Weapons permit and there is no other way to put it: he fucked up. According to what I was told, during trial he initially tried to say that it was an accidental shooting, that the gun went off, but with modern firearms (read: basically anything built in the last 50 years) that is near impossible and he got shredded by the expert witness. His lawyer tried to pull a mid trial switch for Self Defense but a male facing a 5’4″ female armed with a car key and a cellphone does not rise to the necessary standard for self defense. Basically BOTH sides suffered from runaway mouths with almost deadly consequences. The cause of the incident was plain old ego on both sides. She caught the bullet, he caught the prison time.

I tell my students and anybody considering having a gun for self protection that they are about to embark in a life-changing trip. This trip will have “casualties” and the first one must be ego. No longer will you feel the need to right perceived wrongs by verbally or physically counter an insult, wave off or even a direct taunt. You have with you the power of creating immense harm and that is something that you cannot take lightly. I don’t care if they call your Mom names, accuse your wife of being a $10 whore or dirty comments about naked pictures of your favorite aunt in the Internet, your first duty is to disengage and step away from the person trying to incite you. Allow your manhood or womanhood to be dragged in the mud, let them call you coward, faggot, chickeshit, whatever: Words don’t hurt, prison time does.

So remember the this phrase:

Your number one option for personal security is a lifelong commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and deescalation.

A bit of disclosure is in order. The female is a dear friend of mine, almost like an adopted crazy niece. We worked together and I still remember the night I was told she was shot and the Gordian knot that my stomach became. She was out for six months recovering from her wound and with a new dose of maturity. It was radical but instructive for the both of us. Although she is still the same vibrant spirit, the innocence is gone and there will be a dark cloud following her for a long time. I don’t know the guy and I really don’t hold any particular personal grudge against him (I know, I should but I think I matured after all) but as a Gun Owner and CWP holder I will cut him no mercy: He misused a gun, hurt an innocent person and rightly he should serve his punishment. Most Gun Owners agree with me on this. We don’t give freebies to our fellow members that break the faith and eschew responsibility. We are not forgiving just because you  are a fdellow gun owner, say you are sorry sorry and fly to the nearest detox clinic. We come down on you hard and you better get used to it. We hold ourselves to a higher standard.

I will try to get a transcript of the trial and I plan to use it in future classes and in this blog. I think there is much to be learned by everybody.

Again people: Words don’t hurt, prison time does. Dump the Ego.

Sarah Brady went to Venezuela.

Well, really she didn’t that I know of, but I found out the new Venezuelan Gun Control Law proposal and I’ve been reading it. To say that it is every gun banner’s wet dream would be an understatement of biblical proportions.

First, a little background. Venezuela is a “democracy” under the authoritarian rule of Hugo Chavez and an absolute meek pliable legislature. Laws are ordered by Hugo, usually while he rants on his weekly Sunday TV show (which every TV and radio station must carry under penalty of law) and on Monday the “Assembly” gets together to bang the “proposed” articles of the new law, puts it for vote no later than Wednesday and presents it to His Majesty on Thursday for his reading between blows of cocaine. By Friday is signed into law and published. Some laws make take some more time so they make no announcement till it is ready for publication and Hugo can claim it was his idea.

Now that the “legislative” process is covered, let’s go to the why they came out with a third gun control law during the jubilant period of eternal government by His Grace the Almighty Hugo: Crime is totally out of control. The official number of murders every year is above 15,000 for a country of under 27 million people.  To make it a tad clearer: Venezuela is roughly the size and population of Texas but it has a bit over ten times the number of murders.  98% of murders are never solved by the police and every poll in Venezuela says that the number one preoccupation for the average citizen is crime. Two other gun controls were previously adopted which included a one month grace period where every subject had to register any and all weapons with Venezuela’s Defense Department under penalty of heavy prison time. Of course criminals did not do such thing and crime kept crawling up. Have No Fear! Hugo is Here! So we have another Gun Control Law in the cauldron which promises without a doubt the elimination of crime as we know it.

Here are some of the highlights:

  • You buy the gun but it does not belong to you. It is government’s property that can be confiscated for any reason and without compensation.
  • You are allowed only ONE gun. That’s it! If you need (not want) more than one, you must make your case to the Government and go through a process which will not guarantee you anything.
  • You are allowed to own ONE reload (One spare mag or speedloader) and the reload is limited to 14 rounds.
  • You are allowed to buy only 50 rounds a year for self defense. If you use it and need it replenished, you must go through a crapload of paperwork similar to why you need another gun.
  • No hollow point ammunition. Full metal Jackets or FMJ expanding ammo only and only the ones provided by the government at their stores or the stores licensed by the Government.
  • Ammo for sporting purposes can be obtained but only at authorized ranges and under scrutiny and keeping track of every round spent. Unused ammo must be returned. Private ranges must account for every round of ammunition and keep strict tabs.
  • All ammo belongs to the state.
  • Reloading your own ammunition carries a penalty of 8 to 10 years in prison.
  • No gun modifications are allowed at all. This covers replacing any part of the gun like grips or sights.
  • Nobody but the Government is allowed to stock spare parts. You must buy the parts from them.
  • Illegal weapons carry a 10-18 year sentence
  • Illegal trafficking gets 16 years
  • Illegal bows, crossbows, air rifles or even airsofts gets you 8 years.
  • The Media MUST (under penalty of law) produce Public Service Ads explaining why guns are bad and you must be disarmed.

There is more, but I thought this was enough to make anybody sick. And if you do not think Anti Gunners wouldn’t dare to pass something like this, think again: They would kill to get that law here.

If you happen to read Spanish, you can download the proposed law here.

UPDATE: I just found out that the law has been approved as it stands by the Legislature. It is on its way to Hugo’s desk. Careful do not disturb the coke lines.