
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Bits and Thoughts. 5/13/09

The Mexican Drug War Weapons lie still goes strong in the media. In today’s Washington Post’s editorial we see it once more:

Mexican President Felipe Calderón and President Obama said during a news conference in Mexico City last month that roughly 90 percent of the weapons seized in operations against organized crime in Mexico came from the United States.

But MSNBC’s “hard hitting” article on the same subject accidentally provides the truth.David Berryhil at the 10-8 forums posted the math behind the media bullshit:

Doing the math gives a much lower number of firearms traced to the U.S. than the media would like you to believe:

“In all, the military has 305,424 confiscated weapons locked in vaults….”

“The Mexican government has handed over information to U.S. authorities to trace 12,073 weapons seized in 2008 crimes…”

“About a third of the guns submitted for tracing in 2007 were sold by licensed U.S. dealers….”

One third of 12,000 = 4,000 firearms traced to U.S. firearms dealers in 2007. That number is quite a bit smaller than what the media has reported. They report the large number of illegal weapons in Mexico and imply (or lie) that all of them come from the U.S.

Or in much simple numbers, only 1.3% of firearms confiscated by the Mexican Army from Drug Dealers can be tied to licensed firearms dealers. Sorry but fucking up the data by 300,000 firearms is not a mistake, it is a boldfaced lie in anybody’s book. Then again, “journalists” do not care as long as their legs tingle anticipating acknowledgement in the form of a waving of the pinkie from the White House Supreme Being.

Enough with the ammo hoarding people! Yes I understand that the Obama administration wants our rights deceased and that many state legislatures have put forward microstamping, ammo registration and other assorted loads of legal crap, but enough is enough. This madness is starting to affect shooting sports and and we are begining to lose new shooters because they can’t find ammo for the new gun they just bought. We are poisoning our own well and killing the joy of shooting. Even reloading supplies have disappeared from stores.

The last batch of 1,000 rounds of Wolf 7.62×39 I bought cost me $120.00. This is just absurd!

And this is just insane! Not two months ago or so you could buy 4,000 primers for that price including shipping and Hazmat fees. Now people are being auto-shafted  because they are buying in full panic mode. It has to stop. And no, there is no conspiracy by the manufacturers, just our own idiocy.

Be very afraid. At the end of this month and coinciding with my hotel firing everybody including yours truly, I’ll be taking the NRA Instructor’s class.  Hopefully I’ll be an instructor in Basic Pistol, Home Firearms Safety Instructor and Personal Protection in the Home. Amazingly, I already have 4 people interested in classes so there is certainly a demand. I gotta figure how to set up the whole thing and get to it. We need more shooters!

Officially A Domestic Terrorist.

First a warning: This blog is Alternative Media and thus considered by the Department of Homeland Security as part of Domestic Terrorism. If you value your life and do not want to be harassed by the Feds, please leave immediately.

The latest idiocy/insanity/prejudice coming out of DHS is the Domestic Extremism Lexicon. I read through it and according to Ms. Napolitano’s Boys and Girls if you happen to have a blog, are into guns and “oppose most federal and state laws, regulations, and authority (particularly firearms laws and regulations)“, are opposed to illegal immigration,  your “beliefs to those commonly associated with the American Revolution” and God Forbid you happen to believe in  “the original 10 amendments (Bill of Rights) to the U.S. Constitution” you are a 100% unrepentant Domestic Terrorist. And if you believe that Taxes are too high and contrary to what Our Country stands for, you will probably will be shot on sight.

I hate dwelling on politics. The original intention of this blog was on the right of self defense and the elimination of Gun Free Zones where criminals and lunatics are given government-sponsored killing spreads to do their malevolent chores. But what’s coming out of Washington is downright scary and even more malevolent plus I seen it before and we are in for and it will not be pretty.

Demonizing of your enemies is and old trick. Make them look less than human, threatening to your peace and well being, associate them with known bad guys and soon enough you will have the popular support to restrict them. Bunching up Tea Party protesters with the Suicide Bombers, Sleeper Cells and Eco Terrorists is a stroke of genius if the message is taken without proper perspective or counterpoint. Mainstream Media, legs still tingling will eat and regurgitate such idiotic report without even considering its veracity or even if it has an inkling of common sense. You as a law abiding gun owner who has never committed a crime, never plotted against the government, never bombed a federal building or sent money to overseas to Hamas will suddenly be thrown in with the likes of Abu Nidal, Timothy McVeigh, Mohammed Atta and Jeff Luers.  However if you are lucky, you might be associated with William Ayres and be not only spared of further inquiry but probably get a high level job in this administration.

It seems to me that Ms. Napolitano et all are not quite aware of the hornet’s nest they stirred with their stupid memos. The Internet (A.K.A. Alternative Media) has thrown off the delicate balance of a controlled Media and it is more difficult nowadays to sell bullshit unadulterated and unchallenged. Add to that that if weapons and ammunitions sales to people on all sides of the political spectrum are any indication, the level of trust that the average citizen has about this administration’s respect for the Constitution, they have (or eventually will) to realize that they are up to an enormous task tgrying to sell the idea that we are a threat to National Security. But you must see thier point of view to understand ther pitiful thought process. It is quite simple yet scary, herte it goes.

They are the Government and thus they are the Nation.

That’s it, simple & succinct. In the best tradition of the Banana Republics, the People of the United States did not elect a representative government but an all powerful, shut-the-hell-up, do-what-I-tell-you democratic dictatorship. The individual is expendable against the great scheme of the The Nation/Government. The individual is expendable, bendable and to be shaped into whatever is needed to create the Walden Two of their dreams. Opposing views will not be tolerated no matter how peaceful and respectful they are or how law abiding the counterparts can be because with a scribble of the pen they can become malum prohibitum and their rights as Citizens terminated.

The problem for this Administration resides that we are not a Banana Republic and we are Citizens aware of our rights and willing to vote them out of office. The question for them is to figure out what kind of ballot will be used and I think they may not like any of the answers.

Just Jealous.

I always loved photography. I shudder to think how much money I have spent in film and developing over the years for naught. I am possibly one of the worst picture takers in this solar system. Occasionally I am given a treat by Luck and once half decent picture comes along among two or three… hundred and I am satisfied. Which makes me very jealous of my wife. She has no training and armed with a crappy Kodak V350 manages to capture amazing shooting pictures specially of flying brass.

I am very very jealous. But I do love her craft. I will have to buy her a decent camera one of these days.

What a Month So Far!

It’s been hard trying to stick to a topic. Actually it has been impossible with the flow of news and actions going on everywhere so I selected some that I consider important.

1) Bull Crap Load of the Month (Weapons Handling Special Award)

(Binghamton Police Chief Joseph) Zikuski said Wong could have fired nearly 100 shots from the two semi-automatic handguns in a little over a minute. The first calls to 911 came through at 10:30 a.m.; police arriving on the scene did not hear a single shot after arriving at 10:33 a.m.

“I’m not an avid gunman, but I could take you downstairs (to the Binghamton Police’s gun range) and fire six magazines in a minute, easy,” the chief said.

And I bet you do a very cool SWAT roll while shooting. I am guessing the Chief wants to be the star in the next hit video game: Grand Theft Auto: Binghamton.

2) The “Because It Worked Before But Blew In Our Faces This Time” award.

Was it trying to resurrect the so-called Militia threat from the Clinton Era or the new morons in charge of Homeland Security actually believe the contents of this report? Who knows? But bunching together Military Vets, Conservatives, Second Amendment Supporters with the likes of Timothy McVeigh just before the Tea Party Rallies proved to be a colossal blunder. If anything it strengthen the resolve in may to attend and be loud. I am still looking for a pick of a supposed banner in a Tea Party that read:

“I went to bed a Conservative and woke up an Enemy of The State.”

If you know where to find it, please let me know. It would make for a great T Shirt & Bumpersticker.

3) Tea Parties all over USA.

It is fair to say that lots of Washington Insiders and its lapdogs in the media were surprised at the Tea Parties that popped all over the Country. Up to April 14 they were dismissive and making fun of the movement saying that maybe a hundred of those parties would ever surface with perhaps only a few hundred miscreants wasting breath in attendance and qualifying the whole event as “AstroTurf” (fake grassroots). When the event was over and it was known that 800 parties and over a quarter of a million people attended on their own (No ACORN help here) on a work day that was Tax Day to boot, they were less than amused.  Some politicos were literally seething in anger like Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) blasted “tea party” protests yesterday, labeling the activities “despicable” and shameful.” Maybe we witnessed the beginning of the new American Revolution. I shall expect the new Homeland Security Report about how dangerous these parties are for the Country.

4) Tokio Rose, Hannoi Hanna, Susan Roesgen and the Collapse of the Mainstream Media.

In what could be defined as shooting themselves in the foot, the Mainstream Media totally lost it this month. Blame the Mexican Government and whomever was the idiot that came up with the “90% of the guns, grenades, RPGs and crew served weapons used by the drug cartels come from the Mom & Pop gun show in Butte Montana and similar places. Then the almost nonexistent coverage of the Tea Parties preparations unless it was to refer to them in derisive terms and actually giving much more fanfare to the new canine inhabitant to the White House complete with photo op and crow control. It was obvious that MSM was unprepared and showed it by the scrambling of resources and lack of coordination. FoxNews was expecting it and they took home the ratings prize big time. Broadcasting MSM’s were not happy about it and could only revert to sexual innuendos and poor taste jokes in some cases and to open and blatant political activism against Tea Party Goers.  The video of CNN’s Chicagos Liberal On The Street (A.K.A Reporter) Susan Roesgen trying to bully down a Tear Party Goer, failing miserably before launching on a tirade against the event and throwing a hissy fit is now Internet lore and a demonstration of what everybody knows about MSM’s political orientation. I am sure that in following tradition, Ms. Roesgen will now become the anchor thing for CNN’s Chicago Bureau and possibly be awarded some “important” journalistic prize for her work. Maybe a Pulitzer?

Like I said, What a month! And we are barely halfway there.

PS: And you noticed that with so many right wing fanatics bent on the destruction of this country and not caring for anything other than their God and their guns, not one single shootout happen? Psycho bastards prey on Gun Free Zones, not on gatherings of possibly armed people. They are crazy and cowardly, not stupid.

The Active Shooter and the Civilian Action.

So I get to work the other day and I find myself staring at the above poster. I had to smile sadly and think of those that will actually read this and think that nobody will get hurt or die by simply following the instructions. But I must remain quiet and share with nobody the reality of what could be done because it is not politically correct.

Although published in many places, the obvious went unnoticed by the “expert” Talking heads of the Media. If you please, read the following extract from the L.A. Times regarding the massacre at Binghamton, N.Y

The first 911 calls started coming in at 10:30 a.m. from inside the building, said Binghamton Police Chief Joseph Zikuski. The calls were in broken English, he said,and dispatchers could not at first determine where the calls were coming from or what they were about.

Police arrived at the scene at 10:33 a.m. Unsure whether the gunman was still inside the building or holding hostages, police did not enter for 45 minutes, after a SWAT team had arrived.

Three minutes was it took for the police to arrive. But by then, the murderous bastard was finished killing 12 innocent people. And nobody is going to say that three minutes is a bad response time for police, just the opposite, it was an exceptional police response that beats by a mile most major cities’ police departments. But unfortunately it was not fast enough. And please do not start with why they did not go ahead and entered the building. I have no internal info, but I bet you dollars to donuts that Police Management has not even began to think about changing training and response procedures for Active Shooters and no sane rank and file LEO is going to commit suicide as much as he or she would want to save lives. And trust me, after hearing some of the stupid things Police Chief Joseph Zikuski said on a press conference, I am sure this is the case.

So, what are you going to do if you must gather or visit a Gun Free Zone and an Active Shooter decides to do his thing? Plan ahead, Pray a lot and hope it happens on your day off. At least that is what I do, everybody else must fend for him/herself and we must be sure to thank our local representatives for those beautiful shooting reservoirs when only the criminal or the deranged are allowed to carry a gun.

Another eternal controversy: How much spare ammo do you carry?

If you have spent more than 10 minutes in any handgun related forum, you are bound to bump into a thread regarding the need (or lack) for spare magazines/speedloaders. The Armchair SWAT Members will beat their chest and proclaim how good shooters they are and that will only need whatever their gun carries to win the battle. The Legal Worrywarts fear that if they are faced into a confrontation and survive, a slick District Attorney with a political agenda may use the spare loading devices as proof you were itching for a murder.  Both points are hogwash and I am saying this in the nicest way I can muster. You carry spares because you may need them.

Am I saying you will be facing a horde of Zombies and carrying 21, 31 or 50 rounds may be necessary? No, but what may happen is that you will have a malfunction that will leave you hanging for dear life if you cannot solve it in a fast and resolute manner. I have seen shooters of all calibers experience magazine related malfunctions at IDPA matches and if a malfunction cannot be resolved with the standard Tap-Rack-Bang, they go for the spare mag and solve the problem. This applies also to real life where you must immediately drop the troublesome magazine and replace it immediately with a fresh one because you won’t be able to call time-out and figure out what’s wrong. Criminals are impolite that way.  About the only acceptable variation is if you carry a back up gun and go for it after a malfunction happens (also known as a New York Reload) which provides you with a functioning firearm to save your life.