
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Meat Loaf R.I.P.

“Our hearts are broken to announce that the incomparable Meat Loaf passed away tonight with his wife Deborah by his side,” the post said. “Daughters Pearl and Amanda and close friends have been with him throughout the last 24 hours.”

Meat Loaf dead, singer of ‘Bat Out of Hell’ was 74 (nypost.com)

This one hits hard. Bat out of Hell has been one of my 5 top albums which is in constant rotation in my music sources. And at least a couple of songs do have romantic and sentimental attachments going back over 4 decades.

Thank you for the music and the beautiful memories


The COVID Theater of Horror has no real perspective.


No matter what Traditional media source you pick up in Middle Tennessee, the COVID situation is portrayed with a panicky shrillness that taht reminds you of the scream queens of the 80s horror movies.

Take Davidson County and the stats for Infected and deaths since the pandemic started:

That comes about 0.78% deaths out of the infected population or a survival rate of 99.12%. Not to dismiss the deaths as inconsequential, but we ain’t talking Black Plague or Ebola death and destruction either.

However, there are other deaths that are barely being mentioned with the same horror as COVID.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A new report from the Metro Nashville Health Department shines a light on a very dark subject — overdoses hitting a record high in Davidson County. The director of the overdose program told News 2 if something doesn’t drastically change, the city could see another record-breaking year.

The quarterly report revealed more than 700 people died in 2021 from a suspected drug overdose, the majority of them laced with fentanyl.

Davidson Co reached record high drug overdoses in 2021 (wkrn.com)

That kinda shocked me some. We are talking almost half the deaths of COVID in the county since the pandemic started. I went to look for the numbers for 2020 and found them.

Click to enlarge

For 2020 we had 621 cases and for 2021, 712 for a total of 1,333 overdose deaths in the 2 years of the “worst pandemic in history! ZOMG!”

I tried to find out the number of opioid addicts for Davidson County, but I could not get an estimate anywhere, but for the whole state, the government calculates some 70,000 Tennessean are addicted to them. I therefore cannot calculate and compare percentages, but it does not take a mathematical genius to figure out either Deaths by OD are out of total control or Deaths by COVID are totally overblown.

I’ll take both options.

Why are Liberals so violent?

Naturally, the reactions to tis were twofold: Either outrage by the non-Libs about the call to hit a woman and the deafening silence from the Left. I guess something was said or the moronic midget realized the fuck up because he double down by insinuating those calling his ass for demanding violence actually can’t read because they are too dumb to understand what he actually (and very obscurely) he meant.

But being Robert Reich, I am sure the only way he gets to smack a woman is to pay for the privilege to a 4 figure an hour D.C. Escort.

And of course, Cancel Culture won’t come after him.

Sorry for the lack of Posting and Biden’s Jeopardy meme.

Today was a very rare day: I actually woke up at my usual 2 AM for no effing reason, did some little stuff around the house (quietly) but I actually said to myself “Just go back to bed another hour and then go hit the gym.”

I woke up at 9 am at which time I was informed by SWMBO to get my brain engaged and get dressed as I was going with her to the Big Box Wholesale Retailer of her choice.

Beef is still brutally expensive; pork is still affordable, so I got us a 10-pound loin and other assorted things. Of course, it meant that when we got home, i had to cut the pork and bag it in usable portions.

Anyway, I am alive and cold. This temp shit in the 20s is no fun.

Oh yes, the meme:


And we have another Smart Gun and another failure

Gun Control advocates and the Media were giggling with joy at the announcement that a new Smart Gun was available and that this time for sure was going to work thus ending once for all Gun Violence… or some recycled horse hit like that. And as usual, the ignorance of the Media shows that the gun was actually less than perfect. I guess they forgot to edit that out or did not know what they were looking at.

Did you see the gun failing to fire at the end? Here is the video for future reference:



Some smart guy, probably Clint Smith said something like

The two loudest gun sounds you’ll ever hear: A gun going “BANG” when it is supposed to go “CLICK” and a gun going “CLICK” when it is supposed to go “BANG.

Ain’t that the truth.