
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

The infernal whining of the Media about Omicron.

“ZOMG1 ZOMG! We are all gonna die!”

Do you know what kind of attitude people have about OVID in Middle TN? somewhere between Deputy Samuel Gerard “I don’t care” and Gunny Thomas Highway “You’re beginning to bore the hell out of me.”

The greatest difference between Florida and Tennessee is that the Media still controls the “panDammit” Narrative while in Florida, journos are beaten into ridicule regularly by Governor DeSantis and the rest of the staff. TN’s Governor Lee does look a tad soft, but I am still a newcomer so I can’t say if it works for the State or not.

Other than medical facilities demanding masks, you will probably will not see any other location where you are forced/asked sternly to wear a Fauci Face Diaper. Same as back in Florida, you will see elderly people wearing the mask and I don’t think anybody has one negative thought about that since they are a sensitive group for getting the virus bad, God Bless them and hope it works for them keeping them safe. Then you will see the Mask Fashionista, strutting his muzzle device with the pride Vegan Crossfitter chomping on a gluten-free, plant-based protein muffin. Whenever I see an example of that zoological specimen, I seem to develop a strange, fully phlegmy coughing fit. The look of sheer horror in their eyes is just priceless.

Las aguas volveran a su cauce. (The waters will return to their course.)

I do hope so.

Miami Dade’s Homicide numbers dropped in 2021. And Liberals must be scratching their head.

Via Bearing Arms:

The year 2021 started out with two mass shootings just outside musical venues that left four people dead and 26 injured — a foreboding start that seemed to continue a troubling violent trend from the year before. Then something unexpected happened. Homicides in Miami-Dade County plummeted. Law enforcement leaders attributed it to stepped-up enforcement, a focused effort to get guns off the street and prosecutions. Others pointed to an array of social factors. Whatever the reason, murders throughout Miami-Dade County, with its 2.7 million residents, declined by more than 15 percent compared to the previous year, bucking a national trend in which more than a dozen cities across the U.S. set all-time high murder rates.

In 2021, the Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner’s Office recorded 245 homicides. That’s 45 less than the previous year — a year in which law enforcement attributed much of a 15 percent uptick in homicides to the frustrations of being locked down during the pandemic.

Chicago, with the same population as Miami-Dade, continued its skyrocketing murder trend with more than 800 last year.

Despite string of mass shootings, Miami-Dade bucks national trend of rising murder rate

To be accurate, there is not a single cause for this “drop” in homicides which actually is a return to the usual low numbers we had prior pandemic. There was no “defund the police” from the local and state governments but probably a bit of the opposite. No Gun Control laws were imposed to “reduce gun violence” nor was the ability of Miamians to defend themselves curtailed in any way, no attempts against Stand Your Ground or Castle Doctrine with the sad and stupid notion that the government knows better what to do when criminals attack you.  And there is no doubt that the lack of lockdowns and mandates promoted a life akin to normal with people having almost a regular outlet for their lives.

A simple policy of Freedom has worked wonderfully while Social Liberal paradise of Cook County was almost four time deadlier and probably just about the same violence wise.  Maybe that is the reason why politicians from northern latitudes come have a good time in between bouts of being petty dictators where they come from.

The other option is going commando

COPENHAGEN, Denmark — Conscripts in Norway have been ordered to return their underwear, bras and socks after the end of their military service so that the next group of recruits can use them.

The Norwegian military said Monday that it is struggling with dwindling supplies, in part due to the pandemic.

The Norwegian Defense Logistics Organization said because of “a challenging stockpile situation, this move is necessary as it provides the Armed Forces with greater garment volumes available for new soldiers starting their initial service.”

Norway Tells Conscripts to Return Underwear After Service | Military.com

“Are you ready to defend your homeland? Stop scratching yourselves! The crabs are nothing compared to the Russians!”

Can we like send somebody to Walmart and get a couple of six-packs of Fruit of the Looms undies?  This has to be embarrassing for any military. Not quite a supply chain but more like a supply silly string.

PS: I owe the hat tip. I think it was PaulK, but lost the email.

Southwest Florida Blogshoot – POSTPONED

Damn it… Get well guys!

Southwest Florida Blogshoot – POSTPONED

The Queen Of The World and I both are sick, and not getting better faster.  We don’t think it’s Covid (probably something less lethal, like yersinia pestis) but it’s just not feasible to have the blogshoot this weekend.  We will pick a date in the next few weeks, so watch this space.

Sorry to everyone about the change.

“Follow the law. Don’t cave.”

Dayonte Resiles killed Jill Halliburton Su by stabbing her to death and leaving her lifeless body in a bathtub in her Davie home — on that much, jurors could agree.
But they couldn’t agree on a murder charge, according to the jury forewoman, because three members refused to sign off on a verdict that would send a young Black man to prison for the rest of his life. For a short time, the nine who wanted a first-degree murder conviction were willing to budge. A manslaughter conviction would send Resiles to prison for 15 years, not for life. All 12 jurors signed off on manslaughter late Tuesday.

“I just got a knot in the pit of my stomach. I looked at the defense table. They were just cheering and patting him on the back, like he graduated high school or made the winning touchdown at a football game,” she said. “I thought, what have I done? Is this the world I am creating for my children, a world where someone can get away with murder because of the color of their skin?”

Juror who upended verdict in murder trial has no regrets – South Florida Sun-Sentinel

This is 12 Angry Men but flipped to right a wrong.

Finally, she recalled the advice her husband gave her before the trial started: “Follow the law. Don’t cave.”

She was convinced Resiles did not commit manslaughter on Sept. 8, 2014 — he committed murder. Manslaughter was not her verdict.

“No,” she told the judge. She didn’t agree.

And that did it. It eventually went to Mistrial and Dayonte Resiles will have to face another trial and another Jury because one good woman, one woman of color refused to play political games and respected this Nation of Laws.

She stood tall where others crawled. She has my admiration and respect.