
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

The level of Woke Stupid in college cannot determined, only reported.

Via Legal Insurrection.

Students at 23 law schools across America are demanding their universities cut ties with two major legal databases because their parent companies share data with Immigration & Customs Enforcement.

The End the Contract Coalition is pushing law schools, including Georgetown Law, Duke Law, NYU Law, and others, to stop using the popular legal research tools LexisNexis and Westlaw.

Campus Reform | Law students unhappy they use same legal databases as ICE

This is too stupid to even comment on it. Free flow of Legal Information is bad? Making sure LEOs have the proper knowledge and possibly avoid bad arrests is bad?

So, what happens when they find out they share the same atmosphere with ICE agents? Demand pure, nevre used air made from organic, free-range sources?

It is time for some of you to get the memo.

In case you have not noticed, we are in a state of legal warfare and possibly soon enough, a full-fledged one.

Stop giving aid and comfort to the Enemy. Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt, you all look like ass kissers.

When you saw what was done to Kyle Rittenhouse and then saw how the mass murder in Waukesha has been memory-holed into oblivion. but go all teary-eyed saying Alec Baldwin is innocent because he was following instructions, you are a colossal dumbass who swears we are living in Mayberry USA times.

Alec Baldwin was the producer of the movie. It was in his power to stop production and fire the armorer and anybody else after the first incident of weapons mishandling was reported. He chose to continue, and more cases happened to the point crews quit because of safety concerns. He probably could not find a cheaper armorer/prop master and kept the one he had putting profits over safety.

And at the end of the day, it was his hand operating the gun given by an unexperienced armorer he hired and kept regardless of previous security fuck-ups, that killed another human being. And even if he was not the producer, he is the star of the film and has the clout to stop the project till safety concerns were addressed, but again he chose not to do a thing about it.

Yes, I heard the excuse that the use of guns in Movie Business is different from how we use guns in real life or competitive game and that is true. In any of the action shooting sports, you have a dangerous negligent discharge, you get disqualified on the spot and invited to evacuate the premises. I guess in the movie business you don’t have to stop till you send somebody to the morgue.

Acceptable loses, Hollywood style.

But I am the unfair asshole because I want to see Alec Baldwin wearing orange and forced to suck male appendages to survive in prison for killing another human being.

If nothing else, that was efficient.


Just days after receiving a $750 million cash infusion, a tech startup that Forbes branded in October as a “unicorn,” valued at $7 billion, laid off hundreds of employees in a manner that some online deemed “brutal.”

Better.com, a digital mortgage lender with offices in Oakland, laid off 900 employees weeks before Christmas on a mass Zoom call. Only those being laid off were invited. It is a stark tidal shift for the company, which announced it was going public earlier this year.

Better.com has mass layoffs on Zoom before holidays (sfgate.com)

I know you are supposed to rip the band aid off quick, but damn!

Zorg industries would be proud of this guy.

Review: Bravobelt Athletic Performance Holster.

The folks at Bravobelt were kind enough and suicidal enough to send me a sample of their product for review and I thank them for the opportunity


First right out of the bat, you will notice it is what we old folks call a belly band holster. I know, stop pinching your noses in disgust ya bunch of prissies and read my review before heaving at the idea.

If you have carried for any length of time, you know by now that is no universal solution to carry a sidearm, only solutions for certain moments, locations and timeframes. And the Bravobelt is not the magic bullet (pun intended) for carrying but fits a niche or at least a niche I have. Now, the following explanations and descriptions are based in my physical limitations, idiosyncrasies and personal preferences. Your millage may vary, but I hope it helps.

I have a bad back. Most of the times, a simply overtight cheap belt will make me go into fits of pain after a couple of hours of usage. I will confess I had low expectation for Bravobelt and figured after 10 minutes, I would have to rip it off and toss it back in the box it came. I initially wore it without any gun or accessory, and it actually felt comfortable. Compared to similar products, it is thicker and possibly wider which helps with the compression distribution. The funny thing with this initial usage was I was fixing things around the house, and I ended up using it as a light tools’ belt carrying screwdrivers, pliers and the sort. Maybe this is something Bravobelt should look into developing?

Before I forget: I can’t stand most anything that is not cotton or very soft fabrics against my skin for long periods of time. It simply drives me nuts, in good part is because I am hirsute all over. The Bravobelt was also impossible for me to wear in contact with the skin for more than 10-15 minutes but wearing it a top of a t-shirt was no problem at all. That obviously meant a cover garment was needed in order to carry concealed. Again, no issue for me there.

Next step was carrying a gun. Bad news? If you are planning on carrying a micro pistol, you can forget about it, the elastic holster just swallows it and is a pain in the ass to retrieve. My Remington RM380 pretty much disappeared and had to be fished out which is a safety risk. More on safety a bit down the page.

How about full-size guns? The next one was my FN FP9 and it fit nicely and the strap secured it without issues. I did the IDPA upside-down shake down test and the gun remained in place. Now allow me to address a security issue: This is not a normal holster which means the holstering of a gun presents a rather nasty problem: You will need two hands and no matter how you slice it; you will sweep several parts of your anatomy with a loaded gun if you try to holster a gun while wearing the Bravobelt. The solution is simple yet annoying but safe: Holster the gun while NOT wearing the Bravobelt and then put whole thing on.  We simply do not risk safety for the sake of being lazy.

This is the set-up I used to test the Bravobelt.

Bravobelt comes with a “magazine pouch” mounted in a hook-an-loop patch to be placed where you find it most convenient for your particular manual of arms. I would love to have two, but I don’t see in their website that you can order the belt with 2 or more or that spares are available for buying.

And being a wide belt wrapped around your body, you can move it to wear the gun in the position you want. From any of the clock locations to an Appendix area, Crossdraw and if you are dumb enough, small of the back.

I found out that my most comfortable set up is the one in the photo above: Kahr CW9, spare mag, card folder for IDs and some cash, Swiss Army knife and keys including (not visible) the truck’s FOB. That was worn above a t-shirt and covered with a hoodie before I went out to the world.

With the exception of certain duties that required me dressing a certain business-like way, I used this set up for a week in and outside of the house wearing sweatpants, t shirts and a hoodie. From shopping at the big orange hardware store to the supermarket and even 3 days’ worth of gym, this specific combination of clothing and gear worked very nicely. Will I wear this as regular carry combo? No, I still like a regular holster with a good belt in regular pants as standard platform, but Bravobelt does have its very useful applications, especially if it means carrying at home and having to suddenly go to the nearest store for milk and bread while dressed as a Russian mobster or just a potato couch.  It is definitely superior than pocket carry and by far.

PS: allow me to insist once again in the off-body holstering of the weapon with Bravobelt.