
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Antifa attacks Portland News Crew – Nothing ever changes with the Left.

And attacks like this to anybody with a recording device will not only continue but will also have nastier consequences. Antifa and the rest of the Left did learn a lesson of the power of video as it applied to the Rittenhouse case: If it was not for the footage, presented in court, Kyle Rittenhouse would have been found guilty and wasted away his life behind bars on the power of the Narrative alone.

TV Stations will have to hire armed guards to cover their crews (Wouldn’t that be a lovely irony) or develop hidden camera gear that can deliver high quality video and audio for their broadcast.

We are now in a new chapter and I have no idea what is it about. But I can predict it won’t be boring.

George Floyd was killed by who?

OK, BLM/ The Left has become officially hyper-stupid.

By Sunday, the new demented Narrative will say that Kyle Rittenhouse has killed more people than Ebola and hunger combined.

Too little, too late CNN

How can you tell the Left lost all marbles?

The headline alone is enough.

On parts of the right, Rittenhouse has been celebrated as a defender of order against anarchy, and law enforcement against miscreants. Yet the culture that turned the 17-year-old into a revered killer — a culture of mass firearm ownership and vigilantism — is antithetical to law and order as it is conventionally understood. It is a culture premised on the illegitimacy of the state’s monopoly on violence and the incapacity of formal institutions to uphold social order or public safety. It sees America as a society forever teetering on the brink of Hobbesian breakdown, and firearms as the sole guarantor of individual security. And the more influential this culture becomes, the more its paranoid delusions come to resemble our collective reality.

Kyle Rittenhouse’s Defense Was Strong. It’s Also a Threat to the Rule of Law. (msn.com)

Self Defense Bad – Government Killing and maiming Good.

The difference between them and us is that we want Law to be the guardin of Justice for the People. They want Law to be the guardian of their Absolute Power.

Hat Tip Manny L.