
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

And nobody had a knife?

Obviously they do not represent an imminent danger of death or grave bodily harm, but I believe a stab on the side of a couple of tires would have been a solution.

Hard to get away with 2 rims eating the macadam.

Always carry a knife, heel carry two knives!

“Riots, fire, bloodshed’ in NYC” – Yes, please.


A Black Lives Matter leader vowed there’ll be “riots,” “fire” and “bloodshed” if Mayor-elect Eric Adams follows through with his promise to bring back plainclothes anti-crime cops to battle New York’s surge in violent crimes.

New York BLM co-founder Hawk Newsome debated the plan for a return to tougher policing with Adams during a contentious sit-down at Brooklyn Borough Hall Wednesday that was livestreamed on Instagram.

BLM leader Hawk Newsome threatens ‘riots’ after sit-down with Eric Adams (nypost.com)

Please make sure it is livestreamed. That goes double if the new Mayor allows NYPD to go back to the way they were before being politically castrated.

The only drawback is that more New Yorkers will move out and screw up other cities that do nt deserve their kind.

Anyway, just let me know ahead of time so I can get the pop corn and assorted munchies ready.

Another Red Pilling of the Rittenhouse case

Ana Kasparian, a cohost of the popular progressive online news show “The Young Turks,” shockingly revealed last week that she “was wrong” about key facts concerning the case of Kyle Rittenhouse.

Kasparian said she thought Rittenhouse first chased after Joseph Rosenbaum, sparking the incident that ended with the teen fatally shooting Rosenbaum. However, it was Rosenbaum who chased after Rittenhouse. Moreover, a gun was fired from a third party just seconds before Rittenhouse fatally shot Rosenbaum.

“I was wrong about that, okay, so I want to correct the record,” Kasparian said on her news show. “Look, these details matter, because if you’re going to make an argument that you acted in self-defense, there needs to be some proof that there was an imminent threat.”

‘I Was Wrong’: Young Turks’ Kasparian Admits She Bought Into False Rittenhouse Narrative | The Daily Wire

J Kb has already covered the idiocy and mendacity of all media regarding the Rittenhouse case, but this is special because Kasparian IS Media and she bought the script approved by her betters without questioning.

I am just gonna go ahead and quote from Scarface:

I know, fat chance of that.

Facebook has already reached a verdict on the Rittenhouse case


Buddy of mine just dropped me a message:

This is the bloody and savage meme that violated community standards.

And that is the moment you realize the “community standards” Facebook supports are made up as their lefty comptrollers feel like doing that day in between chai latte mochas with sprinkles and a garbanzo pizza with holistic tofu on top.


Is that a whiff of panic I am detecting?

Besides the obvious remarks about “But no more mean tweets” I have to say I am detecting some serious nervousness from the Democrats and Liberals in general.  The avalanche of excuses and “explanations why the economy is in shambles, supply is screwed up and inflation is skyrocketing reminds me so much of similar events in Venezuela after  Hugo Chavez dug his claws into the country’s economy and transformed it into the “Socialism for the 21st Century.”

We will not see a correction of mistakes made by this administration. If you were thinking that, please disabuse yourself of that wishful thinking. In following with the time proven-wrong principles of Socialism, the Ideas are “right” but “external” influences have conspired to make them fail or what is happening is actually good, but you are just too uneducated/dumb/Fascist to understand it. Their egalitarian wishes have nothing to do with a good quality of life but and equal application of their rules over the land.  It is nobler for them to have people starve and die as long as Socialism is achieved rather than having a happy, fat and full of comfort population who does not commune at the altar of Marx and Lenin.  It is like the old joke about surgeons celebrating the success of a complicated surgery while ignoring that the patient died.

It is Dogma over Humanity.