
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Pastor protects flock from armed intruder


NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) – The heroic actions of a local pastor and several of his parishioners saved a church from violence Sunday afternoon.

Metro police say 26-year-old Dezire Baganda was sitting at the front of the Nashville Light Mission Pentecostal Church, located in the 900 block of W. Trinity Lane, when he pulled out a gun and walked up to the altar where the pastor was praying along with several church members.
Baganda told everyone to get up while he waved and pointed the handgun at the congregation. The pastor quickly tackled Baganda before he was able to fire any shots. Several church members jumped in to help wrestle the gun away from Baganda and hold him down until police arrived, according to investigators.

Pastor speaks after disarming man who pulled gun at North Nashville church service | WKRN News 2

Ballsy and well executed move by the pastor and then beautiful back up by members. I checked around and Mr. Baganda has a previous arrest for assault and endangering minors in 2016, but it seems it got pleaded down to lesser offenses and got a fine.

“A shepherd must tend his flock. And at times… fight off the wolves.”
Reverend Oliver – The Patriot


Pastor Ezekiel Ndikumana took care of his flock. He may be a Man of Peace, but he surely is not cowardly meek.

Well done, sir.

Everytown’s Mark Glaze is dead. (UPDATE w/ unconfirmed information)


Mark Charles Glaze, a longtime D.C. resident who was gay, died Oct. 31 in Scranton, Pa., by suicide while being held on DUI and other charges at the Lackawanna County Prison, according to a statement posted to his Facebook page by family.

Glaze was involved in a car accident on I-81 in Dunmore, Pa., on Sept. 9 and fled the scene, according to police.

Mark Glaze, gun reform advocate, dies at 51 (washingtonblade.com)


Glaze was being held at Lackawanna County Prison after his arrest on September 9th for fleeing the scene of a car accident in Dunmore, Pennsylvania. Police charged him with DUI, accidents involving deaths or personal injury, abandoning a vehicle on the highway and careless driving, according to court documents.

Founder of America’s gun control movement kills himself while in prison on DU charge | Daily Mail Online

This is the space usually reserved for being nice and not speak ill of the dead even though he may had not deserve such consideration. Instead I simply say this: Mark Glaze’s car has injured/killed more people than any and all of my guns.

Yet, I am told I am the dangerous one

UPDATE:  From a local newspaper. The rest of the story is behind a paywall so I cannot confirm the death of Sue Barbacane which happened on the same area and date. 

Pat Croce says woman killled in accident was his longtime assistant (inquirer.com)

(It seems her death was unrelated)

Washington, D.C., man charged in hit-and-run crash | Crime-Emergency | thetimes-tribune.com

And this screen cap is from an article in the Daily Mail about his death.

The Federal Targeting of Project Veritas

Let’s face it: They have been embarrassing the Democrats and Liberals with the truth far too long.  Welcome to full fledged Chavismo/Stalinism.

The FBI conducted an early-Saturday morning raid of Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe’s Mamaroneck, N.Y. apartment, located just north of New York City, in regards to a diary belonging to presidential daughter Ashley Biden that was reportedly stolen.

But in his Friday video, O’Keefe blasted the Biden Justice Department and the FBI who he suggested were targeting his journalism organization for political retribution.

“I awoke to the news that apartments and homes of Project Veritas journalists, or former journalists, had been raided by FBI agents. It appears the Southern District of New York now has journalists in their sights for the supposed ‘crime’ of doing their jobs lawfully and honestly. Or at least, this journalist,” he said.

“We attempted to return the diary to an attorney representing Ms. Biden, but that attorney refused to authenticate it. Project Veritas gave the diary to law enforcement to ensure it could be returned to its rightful owner. We never published it,” O’Keefe said.

James O’Keefe targeted in pre-dawn raid one day after he slams FBI over Ashley Biden diary probe (bizpacreview.com)

This is the video posted by James O’Keeffe

And no, none of the traditional members of Media will come to defend Project Veritas. If you do not belong to their club, you do not deserve Constitutional protections.

Just as Soldier of Fortune Magazine.


Repairing a Broken Chair Leg

When the invariably conversation about “if you had to do it all over again…” pops out, I would have to say to work as a carpenter doing stuff like cabinets or furniture and, of course, repairs.

And to watch craftmanship with wood in action is something I do enjoy.  Get yourself a cup of coffee and be ready to say “So that is how it is done, cool!”