
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

The pandemic blankie comes in different shapes and sizes

This is not health prevention. This is fear-based ritualism for its own sake and has nothing to do with science.

We used to laugh about Howard Hughes and his germaphobia. Now it seems  to be the latest stupid fashion shared by way too many equally unstable people.

We will be seeing the negative consequences for this government-induced paranoia for at least a couple of generations.

Via Law of Self Defense – TRAIN WRECK: Rittenhouse prosecution implodes with state witness Richard McGinnis

Jack, there is a 12 minute video of the short video from the last post.

Check HERE the exchange between the prosecutor and Richard McGinnis. ADA Binger ended up almost treating him like a hostile Defense witness.

J Kb wonders if the Prosecutor is fucking up on purpose. I believe he just thought he had an easy case and coasted the preparation.

“Who are you going to believe: Me or your cheating eyes?”

Democrats and Liberals in full Gaslight mode.

Was it a collective hallucination induced by Trump? That has to be the answer right? There is no evidence that CRT even existed or that is a planned strategy fully prepared to take over schools and teach kids about Socialism Through Racism.

Click to enlarge

Hell, you can look online at the paper of record and cannot find mention of it, right?

And, of course, perish the thought that unscrupulous Liberals would latch to this CRT thing to make a side buck for themselves or their families.


I can see how that strategy is going to pay handsomely coming next elections.


When an enemy is making a mistake…..

No, you have not seen it, nor you want to see it.

What is this idiot talking about?


Armed? Violent? No sweet cheeks, that was a bunch of rowdy folks crashing in a party. And you looks and sound specially stupid by calling it a coup attempt against the United States when coups are directed against people in position of power, not against a whole country.

Whenever I hear idiots like this, I wish I could send his exaggerating ass to a Third World country in the midst of a real political shitstorm and just let them degust the aroma of rotting corpses piling up in streets mixed with the smell of burn propellant and  edifications in cinders while wondering if he was going to be sliced and diced by a machete-wielding mob or just plain shot by a military patrol for breaking curfew or just looking that stupid.

But then again this is the crowd that considers and unbearable hardship and develop PTSD if their Uber taking more than 15 minutes to arrive or that the barista addressed them with the wrong pronoun.

The Republican are so racists!

And she won.

Better writers than me will cover last night electoral massacre (for the Democrats) in Virginia. But I felt at least I had to share this.

I do hope there is an audit of this election because I want to know how  Glenn Youngkin had a comfortable 12 point lead and ended up with barely 3 when all was done and closed. And ultra blue Fairfax County went all Broward Electoral commission stopping the count and announcing it had to “re-scan” all the votes, the announcing it was done 100% only to go back and say they weren’t done while the distance between candidates grew smaller.

Ammo Finds

I forget if it was here or in Facebook that somebody asked if .380 has been seen.

This is the third location I have seen it so I believe it is coming back.

Now that this was a shock.

At $3.50 a round, I don’t care if you are composite, you better not only be reloadable, but frigging reload yourself after taking out Thanos.