
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

The Walking Meth

I call her Walking Meth Mom because she is usually accompanied by a younger female. You can see her ranting to herself as she walks down the road going to the local gas station for smokes and whatever other things she may want.

I love our location in the semi-boonies, but she is a reminder that drug addiction reaches everywhere and anybody and there is no such thing as a 100% safe place. She has not attempted anything, nor her companion or anybody else living in her domicile, but I ain’t leaving anything to chance: Doors are locked, nothing that can lead to temptation is left visible and our place is rigged with cameras.

I am relaxed, but I have not gone to stupid Condition White nor I believe I can anymore.

PS: Neighbors across the street are friendly, so that is an extra bonus. And shooting noises have come from the general direction of their backyards so I breathe even easier if just a small bit.

There is no talking with a machete present.

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. (WKRN) — A Murfreesboro pastor and his family are at the center of a shocking machete assault in a grocery store parking lot.

Murfreesboro Police say it happened at the Kroger on S. Church Street. Sunday afternoon, Pastor Jerry Weeden, his wife and their two grandchildren went grocery shopping. As they pulled into a parking spot, there was a shopping cart blocking the way.

Rev. Weeden pastors Ebenezer Primitive Baptist Church in Murfreesboro. He says the suspect quickly became angry as the two had a verbal exchange.

“He got irate,” said Rev. Weeden. “One word led to another and then he proceeds to get out of his car with a machete.”

The interaction continued to get heated. At one point, the suspect pulled out a second, larger machete and even threatened to hit Weeden’s wife, Denise, with his car.


“Why Miguel you sound like you are afraid of machetes!”

Oh hell yes I am. I have seen twice what they can do and seen the cuts up and personal at a local ER in Caracas. Machetes do not leave nice small cuts, but effing hideous long and deep lacerations. And they have enough mass to cut/crack your skull with much effort.

You have two choices when somebody waves a machete in anger at you: run like hell or be ready to stop him. The Tueller drill for machete is measures in zip codes.

Once again, get cameras.

This totally sucked for the young lady.

I am not going to rehash my absolute disgust about cops hitting the wrong location and the possible negative consequences for the people inside and the lack of consequences for whomever is responsible for fucking up.

This was a bad event that could have gone worse if it was not for the doorbell camera. Without a visual, it would have been understandable for the mom NOT to open the door, no matter how much people on the other side claimed to be police. That would have led to a dynamic entry, fueled by adrenalin and maybe a stun grenade or two. A death could have been very well in the cards.

Out of all the unsavory scenarios, this one was the one coated in less feces.

“Confronted a suspicious vehicle parked outside the residence.”


The shooting happened at 3:42 a.m. in the 100 block of Tina’s Trail in Martindale. The sheriff’s office reported a homeowner had “confronted a suspicious vehicle parked outside the residence.” According to an incident report, a gray 2016 four-door Audi was towed from the scene.

Turner told investigators he had woken up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and on the way, realized a car he didn’t recognize was parked in his driveway next to his truck. Its headlights were off.

Turner told police he ran to get his gun from his room and when he came out the headlights were back on and the car “began to rapidly accelerate in reverse.” According to the affidavit, Turner chased it, hit the driver’s side window with his gun and then shot through it. He ran back inside to call 911, he told police.

Man arrested, faces murder charge in deadly Caldwell County shooting outside Martindale home | KXAN Austin

With the usual caveat of only having the information provided by this article (actually one with a lot of information compared to the rest) I have to say Turner screwed up big time.

From a “tactical” point of view, why the heck are you breaching the safety of the house and go out in the middle of the night alone by yourself? It does not make sense.  This goes under the principle “I am not afraid of the dark, but I am scared what is in the dark.”  The victim turned out to be possibly and innocent driver, but could have been part of a Home Invasion crew about to hit your place and you just made the job for them so much easier.  You wanna scared trespassers away? Turn on house lights, hit the panic button of your vehicle’ remote and raise unholy hell, jus “never get out of the boat!” to quote Apocalypse Now.

And from the legal standpoint (IANAL WARNING HERE) Turner has little chance to claim self-defense in any of its forms. Again and going only to what’s in the article, he was not in immediate threat, but he went after the victim and even shot when he was retreating. Some may claim that Turner was within the curtilage of his home this Castle Doctrine applies, but the little I have read about the use of curtilage tells me is a risky proposition even when all other elements of self defense may be present.

And the end of the investigation, Turner was arrested and charged with First Degree Murder.

Stick this one in your memory banks because the lessons here are mandatory to be remembered.

Hat Tip Rick N.