
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Canary Island Volcano: Live Feed

What little I learned from Spain growing up had the little tidbit that the Canary Islands were volcanic. But since the volcanos had been dormant for so long, people thought they were extinct. Not so apparently

One of things I saw in the video was the amount of CO2 dumped in the atmosphere…per day

Click to enlarge

633 metric tons a day of CO2. That is 24,054 metric tons since it began with the festivities. I believe Spain is pretty much over the Emissions limit for the year.


Oh yes I want one! Springfield Armory SA-35 High Power.

That is just pretty. I always wanted a High Power which was the official sidearm of the Venezuelan military officers (and while we are at it, the FAL Paratrooper is also in my wish list) and I have not even been able to touch one, much less shoot it.

According to Springfield Armory, it is not just a reproduction but it has been modernized. Good! I heard it is retailing at $600 which means they are gonna sell like meth in Nashville on payday. Drawback? Only comes with one magazine.


Why we do not trust the Media: Redistricting in North Carolina.

I subscribe to two newspapers: The Tennessean based out of Nashville  and the Daily News Journal that covers Murfreesboro. And to answer your why, is because where else the politics of the other side are going to be available for reading? Both publications are owned by the Ultra Liberal/Anti Gun Gannet Corporation and if you read Lee Williams, you are pretty much informed about their politics.

Neither one of the papers is conservative, but I am guessing you’d be suspecting that. So I know to filter the info through the appropriate decoder rings and not expecting much in the manner of facts.  I will begin with The Tennessean and then transition to the DNJ and since they are both nearby papers owned by the same master, you will fins a lot of duplicated articles.

And that brings us to today’s festivities. I initially saw this article in The Tennessean and I had to laugh at the “Democrats and civil rights groups call the map unfair” thinking that would also have to apply to Dr. King’s quote about the content of character.   Then I went to the DNJ, glanced over the same article, dismissed it and continued to other pages, but in the back of my mind, a little emergency bell was ringing. I went back and I noticed the crafty difference.

t is the same article written by the same individuals and it has the same design overall, but while The Tennessean’s is a somewhat neutral headline, the DNJ’s hints of something that is shady and mislabeled with the GOP actions.

But it is not something we were not expecting, weren’t we?


My own speculation on the Baldwin/Rust Shooting Incident

At 24, Reed did not have much experience doing this. “Rust” was only her second film as lead armorer — and as details of the shooting emerge, many in the film industry have questioned her hiring; the shooting came just hours after the crew walked off the set, citing safety complaints and misfires.

On that day, according to the Santa Fe County County Sheriff’s Office search warrant affidavit obtained by the Associated Press, Reed prepared the three prop guns that were to be used in a scene by Baldwin. Assistant director Dave Halls grabbed one of those guns and handed it to Baldwin before the accident occurred, the affidavit said.

Peer of ‘Rust’ gun handler expresses shock: ‘I’m surprised any of this happened on her watch’

This is purely speculation on my part, so take it with the proverbial pound of salt.

I am an NRA certified Safety Officer and I was an IDPA Safety Officer for more than a decade. Your mission is simple: Make sure guns go off safely and the shooters and spectators go home with the same amount of blood they came in and no extra holes in them. You do that by not compromising the safety rules at all even if you are called names like asshole. In fact, the ability of being an asshole when needed is desired.

If I am a safety officer and I have people that have never shot with me, I will say words to the effect that I will not fuck around with safety and that I don’t care if you like me or not at the end of the day: You will be safe and act safely or you leave the range. Period.

How does that apply to Hannah Gutierrez Reed and the deadly shooting in Rust? Again, I am speculating, but I would not be surprised a bit if she was star-struck by the job and the actors.

Most everybody wants to be liked or at least not considered  meanies and that goes double if we meet somebody that makes us giggle and “squee” in celebrity palsy. We will relax our rules (sometimes unconsciously) so the objects of our admiration take a shine on us. Again, that is normal and even accepted behavior, but a deadly unacceptable one when it comes to gun safety.

There was a regular sanctioned IDPA match in a Southern State which I participated as Safety Office because it was a big deal and a feather for your S.O. cap. As expected, some of the “celebrity” shooters wearing them full sponsorship shirts,  attended and the Match Director/Owner was making certain they had a good time. Without going into details, let’s say that some hard calls were made by our stage’s lead S.O. and the Match Director/Owner took affront to the point of engaging in a shouting match with the lead S.O. and reversing his safety violation DQ call for a sweep with a loaded firearm.

That was the first and last time I ever attended that “super match” even as a plain shooter. I simply could not afford the responsibility of an injury nor being the recipient of one because the Match Director/Owner wanted to share beers and take selfies after the match with sponsored shooters.

If you have been involved in gun safety with live firearms, you know this well. You have been the recipient of anything from cute girls giggling and batting eyes to the Chest Thumper issuing veiled threats so you relax the rules and let them color outside the lines. And if you are any decent about our job, you went home with a full collection of insults, mainly among them is the word asshole. The funny part is that we take the word as a badge of honor and not an insult because it meant we curbed some unsafe idiot from doing stupid shit.

So I believe Ms. Reed, young as she is, may have been influenced by being around the Tinsel Town glitterati and also the prospect of drumming more business for the future. If you are not liked in Hollywood, you don’t get called even if you are the pinnacle of safety and make a movie look good. It is high-priced high-school behavior from the Dancing Monkeys.

Again, it is my opinion on just one of the many bad things that lead to an unnecessary death.

Hat Tip T Snabe

When lack of ammo hurts gun sales.

While I was waiting for the background check to be completed by TBI after getting my Ruger Predator, I noticed a gentleman handling and admiring a beautiful lever action for sale (I believe it was a Henry Brass Wildlife, but not sure). He ran the action a couple of times and sounded smooth as butter and you can tell he liked it a lot. But he gave it back to the salesman and passing on the gun because there is no ammo for it.

Yes, the rifle was chambered for .30-30.

I thought it was weird. I figure that if you want it and can afford it, you should get it anyway and wait for the ammo to show up back in the shelves.  The again, I may understand the gentleman thinking why buy a gun you can’t shoot?  Some people (me included) don’t care for show pieces or safe queens, if we have a gun is because we can shoot it (Which does not mean we do it regularly, but that is another story for a different day).

If you think about it, this “restraining” on shopping a gun is not uncommon, but it was applied to obsolete/extinct calibers/unpopular or chamberings so new, there is no a well established supply line yet. But for the venerable .30-30? It boggles my mind.

Which is why I do want to thank you and pass the eternal gratitude of my Brother in Law to those of you who have shared your precious finds and stock so he can keep his lever gun fed.