
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Pete Buttigieg is the worst thing that could happen to Gay People

Real Men, regardless of sexual orientation, face up to the challenge is thrust upon them. And that goes double when they become a parent.

If there are people (And in his case, hundreds of million) depending on your actions and leadership, but you decide to go for paternity leave rather than work and fix the problem, you are a failure as man.

Nobody forced you to accept the position of Secretary of Transportation. Nobody put your nuts in a vise and threatened you with a plumber’s torch if you did not became the person in charge overseeing the efficient movement of people and good across the nation. You could have said no and go on with your life.

But you said yes and were suppose to put your fellow Americans above personal concerns or wants. You were supposed to do want millions do every day when they go to work for the sake of the country and its citizens. Like marriage, you took the position for better or for worse and you have to be dumb enough to have believed that no crisis would be waiting for you when the President that chose you used the rescue of the road infrastructure as campaign promise.

And real men realize that if they can’t do the job of caring for others, they must step aside and let somebody who can do his job take over. There is no shame in accepting limitations, but there is absolute embarrassment on repeating the same useless behavior because you cannot accept your failure and rather see the people in the country you swore to protect and defend suffer because you are an incompetent fool placed in a position for political decoration.

You have a son? Then leave him an important legacy: To know you did the right thing for him and his future rather than use him as an excuse to hide your uselessness in the position that you chose to serve.

You adopted a human being, not a political prop.  Be a man by being a real parent.


Suppressing criminal reporting for fun and profit?

As if the whole cluster in Loudoun County couldn’t get worse…

Virginia law requires public schools to report specifically named serious crimes.

Rape is obviously a serious crime on that list.

But the Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) has refused to report those. They have a clean record.

Unbelievable… – Nobody Asked Me… (oldnfo.org)

Father wants to address the school board and other parents about how his daughter’s rape in school was hid from the public and the law and gets arrested for his efforts. The school transferred the rapist to another school where he repeated his performance with yet another victim

Does hiding crime in schools sound vaguely familiar? You may remember another school angel whose criminal actions were constantly whitewashed by the school, system and the resource officers so the school wouldn’t have bad reputation. Unfortunately, little angel finally met somebody who stood against his criminal behavior and now is worm food.

Good old Trayvon Martin.

And after raping two girls, I hope the youthful sex offender meets a similar fate soon.

White Supremacist tries to set fire to Yeshiva of Flatbush

I swear I never thought there were this many Klan members in the city of New York. /sarcasm ends>

I think what irks me the most is that the task force “would like to speak” with the arsonist. What the fuck? Over for coffee and crumpets?   To chat about the latest episode of The View?  Any other skin pigmentation and we would have seen a task force comprised of the NYPD, FBI and ATF.

We know the answer, don’t we?

More Free to a good home: The Wilderness Instructor Belt. (Used) UPDATE: Belt Adopted.

UPDATE: Adoption has been achieved!

For 48-52 waist. Triple stitched with the stiff insert. Velcro is in good shape, I had it replaced by the company when its useful life was done. They do it for free and you only pay S&H.

It served me well in and outside the range in everyday life. and it is yours for the asking.

First email gets it. Miguel AT gunfreezone DOT net