
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

The gun market is out of whack or maybe it is just us. (OK, just me)

But depending on what you are looking for, there are some deals to be had.

I went to Academy Sports yesterday to look at rifles because I am so seriously liking the Ruger American Predator Moss .308 Winchester Bolt-Action Rifle selling for $449.99
Now compare that with they asking full retail for the Ruger PC 9mm Luger Semiautomatic Carbine of $599.99.

I am not badmouthing the PC9, far from it and you guys know I have one which I love and bought at a well-below-retail price. But I am also well aware that it has limitations and I would not used but for relatively short distances, namely 25-50 yards with the provided iron sights which is the reason why I added a light and it is one of my inside-the-home + home perimeter weapons.

But my reality has changed somewhat and I now need something with a bit more long distance and “oompf”  to serve both as hunting stick and “other duties” weapon. And then I am seeing .308 populate the shelves again while .30-06 has disappeared from the market or so it seems.

But I am writing from my new point of view and  needs rather than what most people that make the market want and need. Going full urbanite/suburbanite,  the PC9 makes more sense because you will probably will not need any long range, full power cartridge that can go through many walls or clear across the neighborhood while a pistol round shot with a carbine will have that bit extra velocity provided by the long barrel giving you proper defense force.  And being able to be taken down and transported in a case that does not scream “GUNSZ!” is an advantage if you happen to have a neighbor who is less than thrilled about the Second Amendment and will dial 911 in a jiffy.

At the end, we revert back to the Supply and Demand flow of commerce.

PS: I forgot to mention that 9mm is also becoming more and more available and is less expensive than rifle cartridges. Another plus for the Pistol Caliber carbines.

How can you tell we are moving in the wrong direction.

When we go from quoting this:


To parading this:

The sad part is that the people tagging us with the “freedumb” moniker, are not in control of their security but they relinquished it the State with the conviction they will be perfectly taken care of.  What they do not know is that the State’s version of security is very similar to a chicken coop: As long as you provide the state with “eggs” (taxes and other contributions) and don’t peck on other chickens, you will have a nice confined life. The moment you stop producing or are a threat to other chickens, off the the soup you go.

Freedumb? You must mean Free Range, my dear future KFC 2-piece meal with biscuit.

The stupidity of the Covid Theater of Horror

Our dear friend San Sorrentino was bitten in the face by a stray dog. So he got bandaged and sent to the ER where apparently he had one too many nostrils uncovered and had to be covered because of the Chink Flu.

Th level of sheer “medical” stupidity does defy the imagination.

We hope Sean is all right and recovers promptly. As for the dog…. Oh well.

Almost everything that is wrong with Liberal Anti Violence policies in one event

Reader SBD left this very informative link in the post about the Konsberg Mass Murder event.

Kongsberg: Bow and arrow suspect known to Norwegian police – BBC News

Right of the bat, we have heard this crap in the title before (Parkland shooter rings a bell or two), but it gets idiotic after that.

Police had initially confronted the man six minutes after the attack began at 18:12 (16:12 GMT) on Wednesday, but he shot several arrows at the officers and escaped.

Wait, what? How the flock is that even possible unless the attacker was on horseback and the cops afoot?

The police chief said all five victims were most likely killed after officers first encountered him. (Bold is mine)

Oh hell, this is getting worse and worse. What the hell were the cops doing? Issuing strong language?

Police fired warning shots when the man was eventually arrested, but it is not clear if officers were armed when they first came across the suspect. Norwegian police do not usually carry guns on them – weapons are stored at police stations or in their patrol cars.

So we have an unarmed police force, allowed only to fetch their locked guns only after there is a clear violent incident because of reasons. Of course, the issue of innocent civilians being killed and injures is not truly relevant, the dogma policy must be maintained.

The attack was Norway’s deadliest since far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik murdered 77 people, most of them teenagers, on the island of Utoya in July 2011.

They did not learn from that one, did they?

The attacker allegedly launched the assault inside a Coop Extra supermarket on Kongsberg’s west side. One of those injured was an off-duty police officer who was in the shop at the time.

When even the official “good guy” is not allowed to carry…

After the attack, police officers nationwide were ordered to carry firearms as an extra precaution, but there is “no indication so far that there is a change in the national threat level,

Something about barn doors comes to mind.

Sweet Jesus, if you wanted a vivid example of the failure of BLM’s Police forces castration and Gun Control, we could not have asked for a “better” demonstration.  A frigging bow and arrow?

Always carry.