Thank you, Mr. Hogg

Let me see: I believe it has been over 30 months in a row of a million firearms sold every month. Plus who knows how many Ghost and Printed Guns made and violent crime is down.
So More Guns, Less Crimes after all, huh David?
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
No matter how this case ends, it will continue to give fodder to anybody half awake. From a laptop that we were told it was a fake created by the Russians to alter the election results and thus FBI and DOJ (and therefore all the other minions) declaring it a host and then being presented in court as true evidence.
Then the question if drug use should be the disqualifier as it stands in the law.
And the latest is this beauty from the defense’s closing arguments:
ignorantia juris non excusat (ignorance of the law excuses not)
That is what we have been told since the Roman Empire. If you break the law even if in your heart of hearts did not know a law against existed, it has no bearing and thus you are guilty. I am not too fond of the concept since governments abuse it after they pass thousands silly laws designed to either increase revenue or just control citizens (malum prohibitum). And we as gun people know this intimately: 16 inches is Legal but 15 and 7/8s and we shoot your wife and son.
My uneducated guess is that he will be fond not-guilty and the story buried deep and fast. And if by any chance the jury deadlocks and a mistrial is declared, the prosecutor will not retry citing whatever excuse is available that day.
And at the end of the day, it does not mean a hill of beans in our lives.
Three videos:
At the Palestine protest at the White House on June 8, masked militants held up a banner in support of Hamas (its armed military wing in particular) & jihad. Liberal media & so-called hate watch groups have no interest in identifying the terror supporters.
— Andy Ngô ?️? (@MrAndyNgo) June 9, 2024
OK, the answer is no. At what time do you want to become a martyr?
LGBTQI+ activists hold ‘Fags 4 Hamas’ signs outside The White House as they show their support for a terror group that executes LGBT people for their identify.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) June 9, 2024
You will be cordially invited to jump 5 stories into a dry pool.
Jews, Muslims and Christians in brotherhood –
An anti-Zionist Jewish young man, together with Christian and Muslim activists, holds a Palestine flag in his hand and demonstrates support for the people of Gaza in front of the White House.
Not all Jews support Israel, the…
— Torah Judaism (@TorahJudaism) June 9, 2024
It is always sadly hilarious when the chickens throw their support for Colonel Sanders. But they truly believe they are doing the morally right thing and be spared.
New York Democrat Paula Collins just said that Trump supporters need a “re-education camp” after the Presidential election.
?New York Democrat Paula Collins just said that Trump supporters need a “re-education camp” after the Presidential election.
— harparr #IFBAP (@harparr1) June 7, 2024
So, I was out today and bought a box of supplies for USA Re-Education .308 counter class.