
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Absolutes are stupid, but I am willing to go along with it.

It was not too long ago when we talked about NOT intervening in case of emergency. This is just another nail in that coffin.

The idea that you would find a woman passed out and in danger of death, but because you cannot get permission to touch her, you should not help is absolutely stupid…. and I am willing to go along with it 100%.

“Why didn’t you help?”
“Because according to the New Feminists, we must obtain consent before touching or we open ourselves to all kinds of problems.”
“But she died!”
“That is an unfortunate consequence I am willing to live with.”

What book ban?

The TEP (Tennessee Equality Project) highlighted a report released Friday, May 31, studying book bans across the state. The study found that Maury, Rutherford, and Wilson counties had some of the highest concentrations of book bans.

“Pride is a celebration of identity, but when people are trying to ban books about you, that’s an erasing of your identity, so this is a major issue for pride,” said TEP Executive Director Chris Sanders.

TN advocates highlight book bans, Title IX at Franklin Pride (wkrn.com)

Oh For f***s sake!  “Erasing your identity”? Banning what books?, what books? What penalties would a person be subjected to if law enforcement catches you with one “banned” book in your possession?

Just because the books have been deemed not appropriate for children of certain age, does not men anybody is trying to “erase your identity”, it simply means we believe that trying to get pre-teens buttfucked by the likes of you is wrong.

Let me show you something:

You see those two books? That kind of literature was and still truly verbotten in Venezuela. If you were to be caught with either book, you would automatically be arrested and sent to jail for many years because you would have deemed to be a danger to the country.

In the worse of cases, you’d be shot on the spot, probably using Ley De Fuga as an excuse.

That is book banning. Yours is simply a screeching fashion pose to claim victim status.

“Diversity is our strength” or Karma is a hateful bitch.

In case you missed it, this is the origin of the cartoon:

And the post script:

The German cop went after the unarmed “right winger” and paid the price of being politically correct.

And the lesson will not be learned by fellow officers.

Hat Tip Mad Ogre.


Bless her heart. She thinks she is going to win.

My dear child, those are the ones that grow your food, harvest it and delivery to your local bodega or Whole Foods which by the way, only have enough stock but maybe for a week.

They do not have to pull one trigger, just sit back, do nothing and 2 weeks later you will be selling your asshole to them for a pop-tart and a half a bottle of water.


Different police approaches to a vehicle stop.

I saw these videos today and I have to say: If you are used to stuff in the Liberal states, do not move to Florida.



I counted at least 16 cops (One who probably posts near a donut shop), no idea how many patrol vehicles, a dog and a chopper to stop one car.




One trooper manages to cut short the whole running away bullshit right there and then.
And this is not an isolated case with FHP, I believe I posted a couple of years ago a lady officer who PITted a car in the middle of the Palmetto Expressway during rush hour. She got in a small amount of hot water because other vehicles got damaged, but nothing major. FHP does not have time for games and will let you know hard and soon.

Things are way different in Florida.

You truly cannot be this stupid.

I was breaking sweat at the gym’s treadmill and I caught a glance of a text in a TV ad, but it took me several seconds to process what I saw and then it was over.

I came home, googled it and found if not the same company, somebody using the same words…. and my jaw dropped at the stupidity and ignorance.

The top part is the actual description in their website. I added the bottom for shock value.

We are talking massive message failure from the people that came up with the idea of “hand-harvested cotton,” and the dumbasses that approved it.