For the sake of this video, from the moment the attackers appears in frame:
9 seconds

Police are looking for a man who was caught on surveillance video stabbing another man at a Miami gas station back in March.

The attack happened just after 8 a.m. on March 18 at 6201 N. Miami Avenue, City of Miami Police said.

A 76-year-old man was pumping gas when he was approached from behind, police said. Within seconds, the suspect stabbed him and ran away.

Nearly two months later, police still need help looking for the suspect. He was last seen wearing a gray sweatshirt and red shoes.


I saw the victim interviewed at noon. he has a 5 inch or so scar on the inside of his arm and about 2 inches on his side from the stab that missed the delicate blood vessels in the kidney area my an inch or less, according to the gentleman.

Just like in an ATM, you are forced to narrow your cone of vision and focus your concentration in order to operate the pump. I am a attentive when I am pumping gas,  even parking close enough to use the door as a barrier and I admit I cannot keep that infamous super 360 awareness some superduper instructors claim to have. Maybe I got old…


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Awareness: It can happen in seconds”
  1. I’m probably wrong but the screen cap of the face and the style (hit & run) of the coward looks like it could be one of Obozo’s JV team doing an alohasnackbar.

    Miami/WPB (aka. NYC south) does have a large Jewish population, and wouldn’t surprise me at all to see a similar pattern of attacks on Jewish people as it is happening in NYC (aka. Ubberfuher’s Cuomo’s shithole).

    Just saying. But then again, I’m probably overthinking this and it is just some dbag going stabby-stabb at random… at least until he picks the wrong target and CCW carrier adds several bodily orifices to the dbag.

  2. I have to say that he may have managed to sneak up on me and stab me the same way. However, I also think that I would have immediately marked him for easy identification.
    Police: “Who was it that stabbed you? Can you describe him?”
    Me: “Is there a guy right there who has a bunch of bullet holes in him?”
    Police: “No”
    Me: “I bet that somewhere between here and the ER you will find a guy meeting that description.”

  3. Watching this, I wondered why a vibrant would shank an old dude and walk away. MiniMe’s comment makes sense though. I used to work in bad neighborhoods all the time. I’m old, but my head’s still on a swivel when out in public.

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