Call your representative NOW!

The house is voting to allow the rule change to bring up the AWB and Repeal of PLCAA.

The house has voted to waive a rule that will allow the AWB to be voted on.
Strictly party lines. 10 did not vote, 6 Republicans and 4 Democrats. If all 6 Republicans voted no it still would pass.

I’m still learning this stuff. The previous vote was to approve a vote to happen on the rule. Confusing.

1330: House is in Recess. Because of the passage of H.Res. 1300 the house is able to debate and vote on different bills that normally would have to wait. They are currently debating H.R. 5118 which has nothing to do with Firearms.

My guess is that they will delay until later to take up 2814 and 1808

They are no debating H.Res 1302 which will allow them to debate H.R 1808.

They have voted to bring H.R. 1808 to the floor for debate.

H.R. 1808 is on the floor being debated.

At 1730 the house is done with debate on H.R. 1808. The gist of the Democrats is “for the children”. One Democrat go up and stated that since the AWB of 1994 survived constitutional challenges, this bill is constitutional.

The are currently voting to send the bill back to committee. Given that every vote so far has been pretty much party lines it won’t go back to committee. It will be voted on in the house.

If it is voted on in the house, it will pass.

Time to call your Senators.

It passed the house.
Democratic: 215 Yes, 5 No
Republican: 2 Yes, 208 No

Fitzpatrick (R-PA) voted Yes.
Jacobs (R-NY) voted Yes
Cuellar (D-TX), Golden(D-MA), Gonzalez, Vicent(D-TX), Kind(D-WI) and Schrader(D-OR) all voted No.

The worse parts were seeing my Representative voting for this bill and Nancy absolutely bubbling with joy when she announced that it has passed.

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By awa

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