This is not about the OCI in the video or his interaction with the Lantana (Fl) LEO but with two comments posted.

And how will these comments be interpreted by the Media and assorted other jackasses if they happen to lay eyes on them? You are right: Death Threats against the Officer. Yay!

The Supporters of a White Supremacist openly carrying an AR15, want to see Lantana Police Officer Dead for doing his duty.

This is our side. I bet Neither Rambo Rob (really?) nor Shelley Ziel will be seen at the legislature next year fighting for the Gun Rights of Floridians.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on ““Bad Cop Hurt Feelings. Bad Cop Needs To Be…””
  1. Sounds like the cop is doing what hes trained to do-control an unknown possible threat. whether you are not breaking laws the responding cops dont know you dont know your motives and have no Fin idea what you are doing. WTF is wrong with these idiots???? we have some up here to- muh right!!! I ll carry where ever I !! want to!! ya, you do that, dont be shocked when you go to jail.

  2. You’re openly carrying a deadly weapon in order to provoke a response from law enforcement (what, you expected to be attacked by hoards of vicious sharks and needed an AR to fight them off?). When that confrontation takes place, you start arguing with the (armed) police officer. What could possibly go wrong? First, when confronted with a police officer, be polite, say yes sir, no sir, and do what the officer says. Argue about your rights with a lawyer in front of the judge. Second, do the rest of us a favor and THINK about how your actions will be perceived by the public, the press and the politicians.

  3. When Floridians lose all open carry, which is what this sort of nonsense engenders, remember that it will be because of Open Carriers toting AR-15s everywhere like the jackasses they are, and not because of frothing anti-2A hoplophobes, nor because of the gun owners possessed of common sense and mature judgment.

    Stupid people – at both ends of the process – get you stupid laws.
    If the people who had the guns had the requisite self-control and wisdom not to do this sort of jackassery, there would but extremely rarely be a problem, and at that point, the onus would be entirely on law enforcement.

    If Iggy Ignoramus had decided to comply first, and after explaining himself, then afterwards chosen to deliver a lecture on the Constitution, he’d have come off looking 20 IQ points brighter. Trying to dicker with someone with a gun and a badge when they’re telling you they’re about to shoot you never works out well for anyone concerned. Total number of legal arguments at curbside won by private citizens: pretty close to zero, since forever.

    But because people aren’t bright enough not to do dumb things without being told not to, you’re going to wind up getting a law forbidding same, sooner or later, as the state’s antidote to leaving high school and police academy grads to perform telepathy to determine whether you were just exercising your right, or heading over to the local school or mall to open fire.
    Then geniuses like this will blame everyone but themselves for how they lost the legal ability to exercise a natural right, as though there were no personal responsibility attached to that exercise.

    The proof of the pudding in this case is that after filming himself being a jerk (and wearing the GoPro and recording argues his intention all along was to cause the exact scene he was hoping to get), he posted the video online.
    One can only assume he only posted the short clip up to that point, because he looked and sounded even more foolish from that point forwards.

    Well-played, Slick. Another jet-fuel genius gets his fifteen minutes.

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