I usually like the New York Post, but when they are bad, I’ll call them out.

This is the headline that I saw:

Soccer coach Francisco Garcia dies from coronavirus at age 21

Holy Shit!!!

This guy is 21 and physically fit, shit is getting worse.

Then this down in the article:

A 21-year-old Spanish soccer coach was killed by the coronavirus while also battling leukemia, according to a report.

Garcia was told that not only did he have both coronavirus and pneumonia, but he was also suffering from leukemia, according to the Independent.

Well fuck, pneumonia and leukemia is practically a death sentence on its own.

Leukemia is terrible because it damages your white blood cells and makes it hard to fight infection.

In his condition, he could have died of the common cold.

I fell for the clickbait, but at least I was conscientious enough to read the article.

This kind of shit is what is wrong with the media.  People will see just the headline and panic more, rather than understand that Coronavirus was the least of this young man’s problems.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “Bad New York Post, Bad!”
  1. Good call to point out the hypersensationalism, but the NY Post has to pay the bills as well. And, if it bleeds, it leads.

    No headline that is not sensationalizing something about this disease will get eyeballs these days. Which are you more likely to read:

    Death rate of Covid 19 is significantly higher than other diseases
    Covid 19 is significantly more deadly than athlete’s foot fungus.

    Does not make it right, but it is understandable.

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