I’ve been working on a post that is taking a bit of research. It has required me to examine over a dozen cases and search the dockets of each one looking for supplemental testimony. I.e. experts weighing in with their opinions. So instead you get:
All those links to people claiming horrible numbers of people have somebody in their family that was killed bywith a gun.

Americans’ Experiences With Gun-Related Violence, Injuries, And Deaths - Findings
Key Findings Experiences with gun-related incidents are common among U.S. adults. One in five (21%) say they have personally been threatened with a gun, a similar share (19%) say a family member wa…

More than half of Americans have dealt with gun violence in their personal lives
A national poll finds that a majority of Americans have felt the effects of gun violence in their personal lives.
Current Causes of Death in Children and Adolescents in the United States | NEJM
Correspondence from The New England Journal of Medicine — Current Causes of Death in Children and Adolescents in the United States
Here is a link to another WTF are they talking about article.

That Kaiser Gun Study The Media Love Is Garbage
It’s become virtually impossible to find reliable data or polling on gun violence these days. Kaiser shows us why.
Originally brought to my notice by 90 Miles From Tyranny
Funny how none of these “experts “ never researched automobile death, alcohol deaths, drug deaths… every time I hear “I don’t like guns, so n so got killed by a gun”.. I ask- know anyone killed in a car wreck?? Yet you drive a fukkin car…
…killed WITH a gun…. FIFY
Guns are inanimate.