There are rogue New Yorkers on the loose.

Story Number 1:

Mount Sinai hospital leaders holed up in Florida vacation homes during coronavirus crisis

Dr. Kenneth Davis, 72, the CEO of the Mount Sinai Health System who pulled down nearly $6 million in compensation in 2018, is ensconced in his waterfront mansion near Palm Beach.

Davis has been in the Sunshine State for weeks and is joined by Dr. Arthur Klein, 72, president of the Mount Sinai Health Network, who owns an oceanfront condo in Palm Beach.

Story Number 2:


So we have two New York hospital executives and a New York Instagram influencer family of seven have broken quarantine.

The first two are hiding out in Florida.

The latter seven are headed west to infect Middle America.

More wealthy New Yorkers who think their money can save them from the consequences of what has happened in New York by fleeing that giant concrete Petri dish.

They cannot be allowed to do this.  I hope they are arrested and shipped back to New York.

Happy hunting boys.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Bag ’em and tag ’em”
  1. Got a feeling the Instagram influencers won’t be stopping here in West Rustbelt, population 25K. It ain’t >>really<< Deliverance country, but don't tell them that.

    And the coyotes aren't wolves, but, again, don't tell them that.

  2. Case 1 sounds like typical snow bird stuff since they’ve been there for “weeks”.

    Case 2 makes no sense, it is we are going stir crazy so we are trading our small nyc apartment for an even smaller abode…

    1. Re case 1: sure. But if you’re the CEO or the President (two separate jobs???) of a hospital in NYC, and the hospital is being hit by a crisis, would it not be reasonable to expect those executives to be on site, not vacationing thousands of miles away?
      That assumes, of course, that those jobs have any merit. If they are not needed in the present situation, the obvious answer is that they are never needed and the jobs needs to be eliminated, saving a pile of money.

      1. I doubt they actually need to be on prem to do their jobs, but I also have never been the CEO or president of a hospital so I could be wrong about that and again as you stated, that is assuming their jobs are “needed”.

        They are also both 72, perhaps they are continuing to stay away for that reason?

  3. Update on Case 2. The people in question are well prepared for what they are doing. They had self isolated for two weeks with no symptoms before deciding to do this. The RV has enough supplies for them for the next 3 weeks. They have marked the vehicle as quarantined and will stay in self imposed quarantine in the RV for the next 2 weeks.

    They are going to a location where they have been before and it is in the middle of freaking nowhereville

    I don’t like that they are leaving the nest they shit in to go else where and take resources from others, but at least they aren’t taking sick people into a tin can for 6 hours to make sure that all the passengers are exposed so that they and the exposed passengers can spread the disease in the new location.

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