Two stories from as many days in NYC.

Bat-wielding man injures multiple people in NYC during crazy crime spree

A crazed man left 10 people injured and a wild trail of destruction behind him during a Manhattan rampage Saturday night that involved subway assaults, street beat-downs and two carjackings, according to cops and police sources.

Suspect Bryan Thompson, 43, of Atlantic City, NJ, was wielding what his victims said was everything from a bat to tree branch to wooden clubs — or all of the above at various times — as he raged from Tribeca to Chelsea for less than an hour, police and sources said.

“He was a one-man crime spree,” a police source said.

Thompson allegedly started his attacks in a subway platform in Tribeca at around 6:35 p.m.

He was in the station at Varick and Canal streets when he battered at least three people — a 39-year-old woman, 18-year-old Manhattan man and 57-year-old guy — over the head “with a wooden weapon” in “unprovoked” attacks on the uptown No. 2 train platform, the NYPD said.

He then carjacked two different cars before getting arrested.

Man suspected of randomly slugging women at NYC subway stop back on the street days later

A man suspected of randomly punching four women at a Brooklyn subway station over the holiday season was busted in connection with the terrifying nighttime attacks last week — but was released from custody only days later, The Post has learned.

The incidents happened between Nov. 17 and Dec. 28, as the women, aged 24 to 32, walked on stairs or ramps of the Morgan Avenue L train stop in East Williamsburg, according to police, who never publicized the disturbing spate of assaults.

      • On Nov. 17 at 8 p.m., a 24-year-old woman was approached from behind on the stairs by a stranger who punched her “multiple times” in the face and then fled. The stunned victim suffered cuts to her forehead and nose.
      • On Dec. 11 at 9:15 p.m., an assailant set upon a 24-year-old victim “while going the stairs,” punched her from behind on the left side of the face, “causing pain, redness, and swelling.”
      • The attacker struck again the day after Christmas at 8:50 p.m., sucker-punching a 26-year-old woman in the left eye as she walked down the station stairs.
      • Two days later, at 4:55 p.m., a 32-year-old victim told police she stepped off the train and was walking toward the token booth when a stranger “suddenly” socked her in the face, “causing a laceration, bruising and swelling.” The victim was taken to Woodhull Hospital.

One holiday weekend and two subway related crime sprees.

The second perpetrator was released the next day following his arrest.

Self-defense is banned in the Big Apple.  Cops are quitting left and right.  Prosecutors are letting dangerous people out of jail.

Spree violence is only going to go up.  The Subways are going back to the bad old days of being underground deathtraps.

New York City has been utterly ruined.

This should be a lesson for everyone who doesn’t want madmen terrorizing their cities at night: don’t let Progressives into your government.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Bail reform, and defunding and demoralizing the police has worked so well in NYC”
  1. Not to worry, Gov Cuomo will protect the citizens of NYC by fining people one million dollars for lying about their eligibility for the vaccine. So if you die of a brain hemorrhage because some crazy asshole, who was released from jail after a couple of days, hit you in the head, take comfort that the vaccine is being distributed “fairly.”

  2. “This should be a lesson for everyone who doesn’t want madmen terrorizing their cities at night: don’t let Progressives into your government.”

    Too late.

    There will be nothing except “progressive” governments from now on. Even in the most conservative areas of the country. There is no defense against it.

    The elections of 2020 demonstrated clearly that election fraud will be ignored, or if pointed out, some AG or Judge will not bother pursuing it. Elected politicians will turn a blind eye because…. reasons.

    Even if there was no fraud whatsoever, and there are rational, legal, and reasonable explanations for all if the red flags, Election Day 2020 was a primer on how to commit election fraud. Anyone inclined to do so now knows exactly how to do it, and get away with it.

    No conservative will ever get elected again. End of story.

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