At first passing glance, I thought it was either a post from The Onion or BabylonBee. It too k my brain three tries to process that was actually from a non-parody source like The Herald.

This is going past Virtual Signaling and straight into pandering.  The Herald article takes you to the Band Aid’s Instagram account.

We stand in solidarity with our Black colleagues, collaborators and community in the fight against racism, violence and injustice. We are committed to taking actions to create tangible change for the Black community.⁣

We are committed to launching a range of bandages in light, medium and deep shades of Brown and Black skin tones that embrace the beauty of diverse skin. We are dedicated to inclusivity and providing the best healing solutions, better representing you.⁣

In addition, we will be making a donation to @blklivesmatter.⁣ We promise that this is just the first among many steps together in the fight against systemic racism.⁣

We can, we must and we will do better.

The boldened part brought back memories of Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition “Extortion” schemes back in the 90s. The good reverend would accuse a co0mpany of being racist, the Media would echo and the company would have to kneel for forgiveness, promise to change whatever racist ways (real or imaginary) and obviously a fully “voluntary” monetary contribution to  the Reverends organizations.  After the steps were completed, suddenly the company was painted by the Reverend as a good racial one and blessed upon it whereas the bad publicity would cease.  This lasted till somebody got tired of Jesse Jackson’s BS and revealed that the Holy Man had a daughter off wedlock who was already an adult and never fessed up to admitting his mistake. After that, you could say the con lacked power.

Band Aid and many other companies are doing prior extortion payments to avoid being tagged as racist. Sincerely, if you are an adult who has suffered a cut to a finger, the last thing you want is to have to go through a color palette to figure out which band aid matches your racial profile. You want the bleeding to stop, specially if you are dropping red fluid over the house carpeting.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Band Aid introduces Racially Diverse bandages (Not a joke)”
    1. Hmm… I can see lawsuits popping up because the band-aid color didn’t exactly match the skin tone of the person using it.

      Yes. We have reached the Idiocracy stage. LOL!

  1. BandAids aren’t a real fast selling item on the shelves in just ONE flavor. Look for this pandering to cause lots of unsold boxes of various hues being passed off to the dollar stores for pennies.

  2. Of all the things being done this one (except for the Dane Geld to BLM) is reasonable. I see it as no different than other shades of stockings or makeup or bras to fit different skin tones. If it makes consumers happy, great. I’d be upset if they decided to cancel neutral bandages, because that’s stupid.

  3. If I’m caught using a Band-Aid that diesn’t match my Authorized Racial Profile Coloration, am I gonna get canceled for cultural or racial appropriation?

  4. I don’t have a problem with colored bandaids, although they could have made them any color to avoid this. I can’t imagine how you calculate how many of each type to have where to make a profit. Whatever.

    I do have an issue with donating to BLM. In addition to being stupid, it won’t get them any sort of indulgence.

    1. Not only that, it’s fundamentally wrong to donate to a racist organization in the name of opposing racism.

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