From FOX News:

‘Woke’ college majors threatened under controversial Florida bill

Florida lawmakers are weighing a bill that would cut state-funded scholarship money for college students pursuing degrees with low employment prospects.

SB-86, sponsored by Sen. Dennis Baxley, R-Ocala, passed the Senate Education Committee earlier this month and is on its way to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Education, which will consider the measure next week.

Under the proposal, money from Florida’s Bright Futures Scholarship program would be exclusive to students who choose to pursue a degree from a list approved by the Board of Governors and Board of Education.

Opponents of the measure told the station that it unfairly puts liberal arts degrees at an unfair advantage and that the government ought not to be involved in choosing what scholarship money covers.

In a letter to state senators on Monday, Baxley said he believes that all students should be encouraged to pursue their passions, but noted that “higher education comes at a significant cost to both students and taxpayers and there needs to be at least some element of career planning involved.”

“We have awakened a giant. We have to reconnect the education and economic model and we have begun that process,” Baxley wrote.

I absolutely and wholeheartedly agree with this.

The Liberal line is correct, college is an investment in your future.  And like in any investment, you shouldn’t invest in a bad idea doomed to flop.

Why should investment in college be any different, we should be wise investors and only put money into kids who look like they are going to have a positive return on that investment.

Florida needs this bill to become law.  Then Ron DeSantis needs to get elected to the Presidency and this needs to become Federal law.


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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Based Florida is leading the way”
  1. I’ve said it before, when the government pays for your education, the government will tell you what course of study you’ll be allowed to take. I didn’t expect DeSantis to be the one pushing that idea. If you are so passionate about Transgender Women’s Studies as a college major, fine, just figure out how to pay for it on your own hook, and recognize that you’ll have to learn a marketable skill or spend your working life asking people their preferences for fries.

  2. It makes sense that Liberals like spending our money on kids’ worthless “education”. For them, that IS an “investment in the future”. The future they want, and are investing in (with our money of course, not theirs — just like the liberal idea of charity being donating our money, not theirs) is one where everyone is dependent on government handouts and therefore obedient to government orders.
    “The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.” — Leon Trotsky, 1937

  3. Seems to just be an extension of the liberal position of “Learn to code”.

    If you think that people you’ve put out of work should learn a valuable trade, then it makes sense to not fund people unless they’re going to learn a valuable trade in the first place.

    I endorse this bill!


  4. “…like in any investment, you shouldn’t invest in a bad idea doomed to flop.”

    This is a start, but in my opinion, down the wrong road.

    If you really want to see useful majors, and a reduction in the student debt “crisis” get the government out of the college loan business. Treat them like a small business loan, or a mortgage. And, stop having the government back the loan up.

    Want to start up a business and get a small business loan, cool. Prove to the banker that you have a chance of making it. That your business will generate enough revenue that you can pay off the loan.

    Start requiring the same thing for college loans, and see how many people get masters degrees in hyphenated-American studies when they have to pony up the funds themselves.

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