This occurred maybe a couple of months ago. There was one person at work talking to somebody on the phone who was bitching about how people are so nosy nowadays that somehow, they know everything about her life when she had said nothing to strangers. The other person agreed because the same thing was happening to her.

They both missed the effing obvious reason: they were on the frigging speakerphone!

Wait, it gets worse. Also, at work, I heard somebody talking to the bank on speakerphone while exchanging personal identification and trying to access his account. I would not be surprised if the guy eventually complains loudly (on speakerphone, of course) that he got hacked and cleaned out of his life savings.

Also, did you know that when you connect your phone with your car’s audio system, the other person can be herd clearly outside the vehicle? Anybody nearby is catching half the conversation thanks to the good set of speakers that came from the factory with your ride. If you are parked and start discussing where you hide your valuables at home or your Amazon username and password, you are the one setting yourself up for a nasty surprise.

Eschew the frigging speakerphone in public and wait till you are at least doing 40 mph before engaging in any kind of private conversation while you drive.




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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Basic Opsec: Your Cell Phone use.”
  1. The “dumbing down of America “ is working.. also these so call “smart phones” have apps that listen to you. Try it sometime, start talking about some product and pretty soon you will get advertisements about what you talked about. You want to talk private? Put yer phone in the microwave. Its a Faraday cage. Or leave it in the house n go outside..

    1. @curby: “…start talking about some product and pretty soon you will get advertisements about what you talked about.”

      It’s happened to me twice, and one time, I didn’t say the product name a I had forgotten it. The AI figured it out, though.

  2. “Anybody nearby is catching half the conversation thanks to the good set of speakers that came from the factory with your ride.”

    And because folks have no conception of using a low or moderate volume.

  3. It’s of a piece with people being less considerate of those around them, and less thoughtful in general of their surroundings and circumstances.

  4. Some people have the earpiece so loud without speaker phone you can hear the entire conversation….

    Some of that is art phone design. Some of that is old and deaf people. Some of that is cluelessness.

  5. I am going with cluelessness in most cases.
    I have gotten told off for “listening to my private conversation” at a deli counter. News flash lady. Every person in line is listening to your private conversation. The guy in frozen foods is listening. Perhaps private should be… oh, I do not know… private? Why should you expect everyone else to leave the area because you want to talk about something private?

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