This is an update to a previous post about the slashing of a Jewish family in Battery Park, New York City.

There was security camera video taken of the attack.

There was plenty of time between the initiation of the attack against the father and when the baby was slashed for someone who went around healed to draw, aim, and fire.

This being New York City, the only choice was to run and hope the slasher would not follow.

This was a brutal attack.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “Battery Park attack caught on video”
  1. “People” like the attacker need to be ended, with no charges to the ender.

    I use quotes because anyone who would stab or otherwise assault an infant aren’t people in the sense of being normal human beings.

  2. Note the father ran away. The mother went toward the slimeball to save the baby. As a Jew and a man, I’m ashamed of him. The more we Jewish men act like this the more attacks will happen. Note, too, that just because one can’t legally have a pistol in slave states like NY doesn’t mean one can’t be armed. Cold Steel sells a nice selection of canes, for example.

    1. Yeah, I was ashamed by that too.

      I have a bad back, I never thought of a cane, but yup a nice hardwood one would do nicely.

      1. Me, too. I have several, but the one I use most is a nice heavy bamboo. Cost $3 quite a few years ago. You might look at Tractor Supply and Rural King if Cold Steel’s don’t appeal.
        “Ain’t nothing like a nice piece of hickory.”
        Clint Eastwood, Pale Rider

        1. Optics Planet Cold Steel Irish Blackthorn . Not as elegant but way cheaper and probably tougher than real wood. Note, though, that canes with crooks offer
          defensive tactics options that these don’t.

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