The other day I said this in a post:
I’m convinced that the trans activist movement has nothing to do with a tiny minority of people who have gender dysphoria and everything to do with a bunch of rapists and child molesters with personality disorders who want to use social justice to prey upon women and girls.
That becomes more evident every day.
As if on cue, the BBC gave more evidence.
‘We’re being pressured into sex by some trans women’
“I’ve had someone saying they would rather kill me than Hitler,” says 24-year-old Jennie*.
“They said they would strangle me with a belt if they were in a room with me and Hitler. That was so bizarrely violent, just because I won’t have sex with trans women.”
Jennie is a lesbian woman. She says she is only sexually attracted to women who are biologically female and have vaginas. She therefore only has sex and relationships with women who are biologically female.
Several people got in touch with me to say there was a “huge problem” for lesbians, who were being pressured to “accept the idea that a penis can be a female sex organ”.
One of the lesbian women I spoke to, 24-year-old Amy*, told me she experienced verbal abuse from her own girlfriend, a bisexual woman who wanted them to have a threesome with a trans woman.
When Amy explained her reasons for not wanting to, her girlfriend became angry.
“The first thing she called me was transphobic,” Amy said. “She immediately jumped to make me feel guilty about not wanting to sleep with someone.”
Another lesbian woman, 26-year-old Chloe*, said she felt so pressured she ended up having penetrative sex with a trans woman at university after repeatedly explaining she was not interested.
They lived near each other in halls of residence. Chloe had been drinking alcohol and does not think she could have given proper consent.
“The language at the time was very much ‘trans women are women, they are always women, lesbians should date them’. And I was like, that’s the reason I rejected this person. Does that make me bad? Am I not going to be allowed to be in the LGBT community anymore? Am I going to face repercussions for that instead?’ So I didn’t actually tell anyone.”
Angela created a questionnaire for lesbians and distributed it via social media, then published the results.
She said that of the 80 women who did respond, 56% reported being pressured or coerced to accept a trans woman as a sexual partner.
One woman reported being targeted in an online group. “I was told that homosexuality doesn’t exist and I owed it to my trans sisters to unlearn my ‘genital confusion’ so I can enjoy letting them penetrate me,” she wrote.
This is rape through psychological manipulation.
These men and their activist allies are sexual predators that use emotional abuse and manipulation instead of violence, and sometimes violence, to rape lesbians.
This is not an advancement of someone’s civil liberties, this is perversion and actual rape culture.
No one should be coerced into having sex with someone they don’t want to and coercing lesbians to have penile penetrive sex with predatory men in women’s clothing is vicious and evil.
I’m not going to suggest wood chippering because I don’t want lesbians appropriating anti-pedophile culture, but there are many other means of pervert disposal out there they can adopt. Might I suggest boiling in oil.
Perhaps the death of a thousand cuts – actually a multitude of piercing wounds that become infected – would provide a certain symmetry.
It occurs to me that forced castration might be particularly appropriate in this situation. I mean, these people don’t actually want to be men anyways, right?
You know, funny, there’s a word for people who think women are obligated to have sex with them. Starts with ‘I’, ends with ‘L’, five letters…
While I certainly agree there is a significant percentage of predators taking advantage of the LBGTQWERTYWHATEVER rights movement to carry out their perversions, the problem runs much deeper than that.
It is not enough to ignore that man in a dress pretending to be a woman. Just letting them live their lives is not good enough. No, you MUST celebrate it, and participate in it.
I am a straight male. I find a particular female body type attractive, and I do not find some body types attractive. I find certain facial features attractive, and other not attractive. Telling me, no forcing me to find a woman attractive because I am supposed to is just plain wrong.
And, no one would bat an eye at me if I said I did not find XYZ actress or singer as hot as the other guy did.
Yet, claim a chick with a dick is not attractive, and suddenly you are some kind of horrific bigot that deserves to die.
That is the real underlying problem here, and it is was emboldens people like this lesbian who wanted to have a threesome with a real live penis, but wanted to pretend she was still gay.
I was thinking the same thing. The simple reality is that who you want to be with and who you don’t is a personal preference about individuals.
The feud described here is a slightly updated version of the old nonsense “if you won’t **** me you must be frigid” (or other insulting adjective). Those were current long before the current trans thing was invented.
There’s been trouble like this with men as well: “You won’t kiss/date/screw with me because I have a penis? You transphobe hater!’, etc.
Damn, the stupid and manipulation in this mess…
I’m going to be blunt here.
Why the fuck should I care what happens to a bunch of bigoted, anti-Christian scumbags who think I and my family should have our lives ruined (and in many cases, actively advocate for violence and outright murder) because we think their lifestyle choices are sinful?