Antifa member Michael Reinoehl engaged in the cold blooded, premeditated murder of Aaron Danielson.

Reinoehl was shot by federal law enforcement during the execution of a warrant for his arrest when he pointed a gun at police.

Now that the election is over, everyone is sure Biden is going to be sworn in, in January, and the Biden administration won’t prosecute Antifa, Antifa is looking for revenge.


This is going to be bad.

Revenge on federal officers by people who want to fight, with no fear of prosecution by the time this rolls around to next year.

I forsee lots of innocent civilians caught in the middle and victimized.

You might have to expend some of that precious ammo you’ve been stockpiling.

But you know that if you do, The Machine dot Gov will probably come for you for icing one of their Stormtroopers.

Next week will be ugly.

Stay safe.


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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Be prepared to expend some of that precious ammunition”
  1. Why is the Horst Wessel Lied playing on my mental jukebox? Will we have to give the antifa salute when we pass his tomb?

  2. Well, this is a good way to induce cognitive dissonance in law enforcement.

    On the one hand, ANTIFA is promising to come for them.

    On the other hand, they will be tasked with going after people who defend themselves from ANTIFA.

    1. Like I’ve said elsewhere, police and National Guard need to decide what’s Constitutional for themselves, not what they’re told or “ordered” to do. And then decide which side they’re on.

  3. Everyone seems to be on the same page in regards to where each player sits and which side they’re playing for. Ain’t it a time to be alive.

  4. If history is any kind of guide, Antifa is going to be the first on the chopping block.
    Now that the fix is in, the Radical Kiddies and Bernie Bros are no longer needed by the Democratic Machine. So, under the bus they go. The kid gloves are about to come off in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, and other Democratic People’s Republics.
    Because Statist absolutely love killing themselves some Anarchist.

    1. One thing to keep in mind. Unless you’re on a public VPN or wifi and use a throwaway one time use ‘real’ email address, while you can change the ‘return’ email address, the internet route that the email traveled includes your ISP and
      – I think – computer ‘MAC’ address.
      A clever internet sleuth can backtrack that.
      Just something I learned from the “Embassy Targeting Officers” I supported that hunted down islamic terrorists.

      1. Not the MAC address, and in any case that only tells you who manufactured the network hardware in your computer. IP address, yes.
        TOR may help.

    2. Yeah … If you want to do this, do it. But chances are they’ll either ignore you, laugh at you, or use it as an excuse as to justify what they’re doing. Or come after you if they can backtrace and feel the urge. Or some combination thereof.

      I’d rather have zero zip nada trace of any contact with them ever.

  5. I don’t think attacks on Federal law enforcement will be as free of consequences as these people think. The Powers That (probably will) Be, know who protects them, and can’t afford to use them for cannon fodder. The people behind this “campaign” could ask Ernst Rohm about it, except for one tiny detail.

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