I haven’t heard from Cocks Not Glocks in a while. I figured the vacuousness of their stupidity had caused them to collapse.
I was wrong. They are back with this stupid video.
According to their founder, Jessica Jin:
“I think the issue is the normalization of violence. Rather than actually taking any serious steps towards addressing why students are so scared to go to school every day without a gun, we’re just talking about creating more violence, which is not a transformative or restorative solution whatsoever.”
Of course the bloodbath they these people prognosticate will happen when “‘virtually anyone with a license’ [is allowed to] to bring a gun on to school grounds,” never happens.
But to answer her rhetorical question “why students are so scared to go to school every day without a gun?”
“It’s people like you.”
Antisemitism on college campuses is up 45%, with some anti-Israel protests turning violent.
There are professors who make publish OpEds that “It’s Okay To Hate Republicans.” Professors who get violent with students who support Trump. Professors who call for the mass murder and collective punishment of Republicans.
There is Antifa on college campuses threatening violence and beating people with bike locks (this one may in fact be a Professor too), bottles, and sticks. There are college Socialist groups creating “fight clubs” to “bash the fash,” meaning Republicans in general and Trump supporters in particular.
To top it all off, there was the mob violence of the “Battle of Berkeley.”
So you want to know why I want to carry a gun on college campuses.
Because I am a free speech-supporting, pro-Israel, Jewish Republican, who won’t apologize for my straight, white privilege.
Or according to your people, a racist, homo/trans-phobic, fascist, genocidal, apartheid-supporting Nazi who deserves to get bashed (possibly to death).
It is no exaggeration to say that on some college campuses I am behind enemy lines, if not completely in the belly of the beast. After watching the Berkeley police stand down during the riots, I know that if a few Love-Trumps-Hate-Progressives try to kick my teeth in for having the audacity to believe in the principle “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it,” the cops won’t be jumping in to save me.
I have to be ready to protect myself from the likes of you.
Now that I say that out loud, makes perfect sense why you want to ban guns on campus.
It makes it easier for your masked compatriots to kick my teeth in.
It’s getting increasingly hard to keep track of all the unhinged, violent leftists making increasingly brazen threats. I’m just going to assume going forward that anytime I enter an urban area, everyone should be viewed with extra suspicion. College campuses? I’ll stay away from those liberal hate factories. As things aren’t going to get be getting any better, I’ll continue to hoard ammo and train.
Because I am a free speech-supporting, pro-Israel, bisexual, Jewish, Capital-L Libertarian, who won’t apologize for my straight-passing, white privilege.
Or according to your people, a racist, self-loathing homo, trans-phobic*, fascist, genocidal, apartheid-supporting Nazi who deserves to get bashed (possibly to death).
* Especially ironic as my husband is transgender. But the people insulting me never know this as I don’t wear it on my sleeve.