Look in the mirror, and take an honest look at yourself. Are you condoning violence against those who hold a different opinion on politics or any subject? Do you say the “Nazis” (socialists by the way, look at the name) deserve to be punched or worse? Do you pass off violent assault and murder with any form of ‘they had it coming/deserve it’ because they hold a different belief? Do you hate those who disagree with you or hold a different opinion? Do you support violent ‘resistance’ to the results of the election, or to those of a different viewpoint by armed masked brown shirts? Do you eagerly anticipate and embrace anything by anonymous sources that validate your beliefs? Do you take any news that validates your position without question, without doing any digging or critical thought?
If so, you are the reason the Republic is, if not dead, in a coma. You are the reason for the violence, and the lack of civility and discourse. Own it.
Source: With Tears In My Eyes – The Laughing Wolf
The starting sentence has the key word: Honest.
The other side simply is not.
The Left has long understood they can get away with many things because they are willing to kill and destroy while we are not. The Left does not mind setting up and sending innocent followers to do the dirty deeds and let them pay the price to do so as long as it builds up and advances their agenda. We are averse to loss of life and they know it, play and strategize around it and laugh secretly. The Left creates the killers that will come up with several kills of innocents and people on our political side and for cheap. Lefty Divine Winds.
And they do that because immediately after the first wave of Anger, the Voices of Calm speak and appeal to our better angels. “There must be another way, a bloodless way, a peaceful way.” says the Voice of Calm and we seek to do so because we have been raised under the idea that struggling for peace is righteous. But then it comes the dreaded “We must compromise to stop the killings.” and while we do so and give our words to achieve that, the Left only says so while relishing on the gains they obtained under this new negotiation and already planning on the new violent advances to get more. Why? Remember what I stated initially in this post? The Left is not honest. Any deal we make with them is not worth the inkjet cartridge spent printing the deal.
And why are they not honest? Because they fear no repercussions. They fill a drone of a man with enough hate and ideas that he undertakes the targeting of elected representatives and instead of going after those seeding the Hate, we claim justice was made because the attacker is no longer among the living and seek out compromise. The Left laughs because once again they got away with it.
We are committing social suicide. Yes, the Republic is in danger, but not because we are not willing to negotiate but because we are willing to do so.
It is time that we stop negotiating and start demanding loudly and append “Or Else” to the demands And if the left thinks we are just doing the same silly things as before, prove them drastically that they are wrong.
Sooner or later everyone thinks, “man there’d sure be less problems from [group] if everyone from [group] is dead.”
I fear that the left has arrived at this thought, as Islam appears to have.
The question is, have we arrived at this thought?
When both sides do, it’s a war. To the knife.
While it’s infinitely better to not have the war, a war does settle the issue for good and bad.
I see so many who are in reality kind and gentle people who say they are misunderstood. we only need show them kindness and they will respond. Horse puckey ! I have read the quran. it clearly tells us who and what type of mindset they follow. Christians are given ten basic rules and then further teaching to follow allowing a full and fruitful life. above all it allows choice. While it is true that we saw times where Christians demanded a following. to refuse invited death in some interesting ways. islam has always held that view and in its teaching promotes the murder of the infidel. the question now is will they change with an act of kindness? If they follow their holy book they cannot. it clearly states that they may not have as friends infidels. it is taught that to be infidel is a sinful and painful state. in killing the infidel in their eyes is an act of kindness. how do you present an argument with this? They by holy decree have total control over their women. they are chattel and it is the mans responsibility to see that they are kept respectful and obedient. They view marriage very different than we. in the last century marriage was different even to Christan’s and had views that women were to be subservient to the husband. The human body for women was ready to have children as early as ten years old. because of the high mortality rate women started having as many as possible. my own grandmother had thirteen. my mother was married at fourteen. they were married to older men because they could provide support. if lucky love followed. islam was no different and marriage was only a contract to provide support in the future for a girl. they provided support for the women who had children and as the older women died were replaced by the younger. islam required men to have as many wives as they could support so to continue the race and bloodline. Today because of changing laws and longer life early child birth is no longer required. the muslim has a problem their ways are no longer accepted by western values. the muslim have become a victim of their own religion. it has forced them to intermarry too closely to their own bloodline. if any is familiar with interbreeding of any animal we get a multitude of problems that include both mental as well as physical. animals bread to close exhibit short temper and fits of rage. the physical problems are not as easy to spot. This is but one of the main reasons the muslim are hard to deal with. it has lowered their IQ so they need their holy book to guide them in life. we now expect them to assimilate into society and they must refuse because of the rules they must follow. just as the Christan laws state that there violation will send them to hell so does the quran What then is the answer? I am sorry for as I read the book I could find no way that would allow them to follow their rules and live with ours. the only viable solution is they must live apart. for our safety and theirs. Wow I just looked at what i wrote and must again apologize for its length. I thank any for reading it to the end and do hope I made some sense.