The Hopefully-Soon-T0-Be-Defunct Miami Herald has increased its attacks against Governor DeSantis about the increasing number of Wuhan cases detected. Out of the gate they dismiss the increasing amount of testing sites and people taking the tests saying that it is only a small part of the overall reason. Huh? If testing it is not done, how the flock of seagulls do you get  results anyway? Is this a variation of the  Chinese government statistical reports?
Carrying on.

Now, get this: They love to cite the Florida Gov provided numbers about new cases to “prove” their point, but if you asked them about the real and final accountability number, deaths, they suddenly go “Oh you can’t trust the data that DeSantis is putting out.”

Using the same source, the Florida Department of Health, the numbers a top (new cases) are true and indication DeSantis fucked up and he and the Republicans do not care for people. But the stats at the bottom (deaths by day) are totally untrustworthy because they come from the Florida Department of Health.

I need more coffee.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Because using a Two By Four is illegal”
  1. These people can rot in hell if they think we are going back into lockdowns. Actually, they can rot in hell anyway.

  2. The argument that we need to stay in lockdown has been kicked to the ground by statisticians, mathematicians, Nobel prize-winning biochemists and pretty much anyone who can do a study since April.

    Anyone who claims it’s science-driven doesn’t know what they’re talking about. The Herald is discrediting itself. Which has been their specialty forever.

  3. In statistics we call this selection bias.

    In the beginning we were not testing for coronavirus to see how many people had it. We were testing to confirm coronavirus in individuals showing symptoms, which appear to be only a small percentage of infected individuals.

    With increased testing we are identifying asymptotic or mildly symptomatic individuals. Naturally we will get higher numbers, but as long as that doesn’t correspond to more hospitalizations and deaths than it’s fine. We note showing an increase in infections as much as revealing the actual number of people infected.

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