Unfortunately, the Gun Culture has it share of entitled little whinners who complain when things are not instantly available upon their wishes and have no idea of the complications and hardships that tens of millions of customers demanding product can exert of the manufacturers.

Remember, the companies are producing lately up to nine billion rounds a year just for the civilian market. I believe we can give them a little slack, I don’t think many companies can do those amounts in so many different variations.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Because you don’t get ammo by wishing upon a star.”
  1. They have GOT to be pulling in record profits. I just wonder how long it will last before the incoming administration pulls the plug.

  2. While I empathize (kinda), I can’t help wondering if we’re hearing from the grasshoppers and not the ants. If every whiner had bought one extra box of ammo a week during the four years of the Trump administration, he would now have between 4,000 and 10,000 rounds (depending on the size of the box) in his stockpile. Anybody with any experience in how politics works would have known that there would be another run on ammo and a concomitant shortage eventually, and would have prepared for it.

    1. Oh, absolutely. I haven’t been able to afford anything firearm-related in the last 8-ish years, but I’m also not complaining, because I know exactly whose fault that is.

      I only have a few hundred rounds saved up, but at least that’s a few hundred more than a lot of people.

  3. I know a supply guy at Remington. He said part of the issue was the lack of overseas sales due to lockdowns made it hard to get brass. A lot of copper comes from Australia and Europe.

  4. At least he has decent amount of money for when bidens first bends the importation of all ammunition and then domestic production of all ammunition the executive action that a Supreme Court will not bother with because they’re a bunch of compromised pussies.

  5. It’s been getting harder and harder to find ammunition, both completed and components, for the better part of a decade.

    Adapt or die.

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