From Newsweek:

George Floyd’s Lawyer Asks United Nations to Intervene in Case, Make Police Reform Recommendations

Ben Crump, the attorney representing George Floyd’s family, has called on the United Nations to intervene and investigate the circumstances around the middle-aged black man’s death and to make recommendations about law enforcement reforms.

So he wants the UN, who has no jurisdiction in the US to do what exactly?

“Among the reforms requested were deescalating techniques, independent prosecutions and autopsies for every extrajudicial police killing in an effort to stop further human rights abuses including torture and extrajudicial killings of African Americans to protect their inherent and fundamental human right to life,” Crump said in a statement about the June 3 letter sent to the U.N.

The only thing the UN knows how to do is rape, child molestation, child exploitation, and theft.  I’m not sure how that skill set helps reform police.

“The United States of America has a long pattern and practice of depriving Black citizens of the fundamental human right to life …The United States government has consistently failed to hold police accountable and did not bring Federal criminal charges even in cases with irrefutable video evidence. When a group of people of any nation have been systemically deprived of their universal human right to life by its government for decades, it must appeal to the international community for its support and to the United Nations for its intervention,” Crump said.

The UN is where the worst human right violators go to cover their crimes with a patina of legitimacy.

They would only make things worse.

Moreover, our judicial system is working, his involvement in it is proof of that.  If we were truly broken the government would not have prosecuted the four officers or let s black lawyer sue.

Crump is appealing to a corrupt anti-American authority because he’s a Leftist and that what they do.  His request is neither legal nor a good idea, but that’s not the point.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Ben Crump calls in the Blue Helmets to Minneapolis”
  1. This is good, really good! Now we just need a bunch of congressional democrats to back him up and call for the UN to intervene.

    Then President Trump will defund the UN and kick them out of the country.

    1. I’m not sure if he has enough insight to do that. Or if he has enough energy to push aside all the whining swamp dwellers even if he’d want to.
      But one may dream…

  2. The only thing the UN knows how to do is rape, child molestation, child exploitation, and theft.

    Usually, from African nations. Of all the world, the white- and brown-skinned Blue Helmet animals mostly rob, rape, and traffic black people. They are about the last organization that black people in America should be asking for help. (Then again, Democrats are the party of slavery, segregation, poll taxes, the KKK, etc., but no doubt Crump votes straight ‘D’, so I doubt elevating “his people” is top of his priority list.)

    Crump is appealing to a corrupt anti-American authority because he’s a globalist and that [sic] what they do.

    FTFY. He is a Leftist, for sure. But even worse (as bad as that is on its own), he’s a “one-worlder” open-borders advocate. Whatever it takes to reduce or eliminate America’s sovereignty.

    What he’s not realizing — or more likely, what he’s counting on — is that the U.N. coming onto American soil uninvited by the federal government will be rightly seen as a foreign invasion on sovereign soil, and will be repelled by the militia of the people if not the official military. The U.N. — without admitting their invasion was also an act of aggression — will doubtless consider any such response an act of aggression and escalate operations. Like other Leftists, everything is someone else’s fault.

    Why we still help fund the U.N., I’ll never understand. Ditto for why Crump, after continually misrepresenting clients and lying to advance his agenda, hasn’t been disbarred.

    1. Yup. It’d be a race to see who gets their bag limit first: the irregulars, or the 82nd and 101st.

  3. Do you suppose when the Democrats manage to cheat/intimidate/assault their way to another Presidential victory that this will be what they do? Most good cops will have quit by then anyway.

    I can see it now: “American police were founded in racism and are the main cause of institutional racism. We must maintain order in our society, but the police have clearly failed. The United Nations has graciously accepted the challenge of helping America move in a more progressive direction, and will put our racist history into the dustbin of history.”

    I wouldn’t be surprised.

  4. Sheesh.

    “Waaah! The local jackbooted cops won’t do what I want so lets call outsider jackbooted cops to see if they do it.”


  5. If the UN did send the troops over here the very next day every local gun range would turn into the hip place to come rally up blue helmets to see who can collect the most. Hell the US Military might actually start paying out chits for helmets.

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