I saw this posted on Twitter, and holy crap, Bernie has no idea how awful this makes him look.

China’s economy is entirely the result of it being a cruel authoritarian society.

The well connected can get ahead.  Those who are entrepreneurial have to play the government game (bribery, corruption, etc).

The rest of China is just fodder for the machine.


The base of the Chinese economy runs on essentially conscript slave labor.  Workers are treated as disposable.  This forced labor for pay isn’t exactly the same raising people out of poverty as the growth of the Middle Class in the United States.

Furthermore, the Chinese standard for extreme poverty is very different than ours.  Much of central and rural China is impoverished, by Western standards, as the Chinese government declared the poverty line to be $350 per year.  In 2018, nearly 500 Million Chinese lived on the equivalent to $5.50 per day.

For Sanders to praise conscript labor in a factory under dangerous conditions for a daily wage that won’t cover a Big Mac meal as an accomplishment is reprehensible.

If Sanders conducted a seance and channeled the spirit of Chairman Mao straight from hell, his answer wouldn’t have been any different.


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Bernie was really showing his true colors at the debate against Joe”
  1. How many of the ignorant Bernie Bros are even aware of the horrible atrocities of socialism and communism?

    Scary thought, how many know about it and yet they do not care?

    Voting in 2020 is another round of voting for good versus evil.

    1. A few of them are old communists, but many of them are college kids. So they don’t have real jobs, and many of them have good reason to assume they never will. Also, they spent much of their life in communist indoctrination facilities. It’s quite possible they have no idea what real communism looks like.

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